I raise an eyebrow. "You don't think she can be sweet and a cheerleader?"

"I don't know, it just doesn't seem like her thing."

"Then you're about to be proved very wrong." I nod towards the staging area where the Obscure Academy team is coming out onto the floor.

It only takes me a few moments to spot Krissi among them.

Cyprus whistles. "Krissi is secret hot."

Michaela leans forwards and bats him. "Don't talk about your flatmate like that."

"I'm not lying," Cyprus counters.

"He's not," Essie agrees. "Krissi is hot. But he should maybe have realised that already."

A low growl escapes me without me meaning it to and my flatmates turn their attention to me.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"All right, no talking about how hot Krissi is," Cyprus promises.

"I didn't mean..."

Michaela puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me from speaking. "Just take the win," she says softly.

I nod, knowing she's right.

The music starts, and my attention is soon captured by the squad on the performance floor. While the odd part of their routine is familiar, the majority of it is nothing like when they cheer for the rugby team.

Several people go flying into the air, spinning and twisting not unlike how Krissi did while we were at the shifter assault course.

Without even meaning it to happen, my gaze focuses on her. Despite knowing she's capable of them, she doesn't seem to be taking part in any of the more dangerous moves, though I have no idea why that might be. Perhaps it's to do with how long she's been on the squad. I can ask her about it later.

No one watching would have any idea that she struggles with her shifted form. Every move she makes it perfectly balanced and in time with both the music, and the rest of the squad. It's amazing to watch, and I find myself glued to the edge of my seat.

"Is it a winning routine?" Essie asks from behind me.

I can almost hear Michaela shrug in response. "I don't know enough about it," she admits. "But aren't we supposed to be recording some of this for Bernie?"

"Oh, right. I promised her I would. I think she's been having some late-night dinners with Krissi when she gets in from practice."

I didn't realise that, but it makes sense with Bernie's nocturnal hours and Krissi's late-night training.

The audience cheers as the team makes a particularly impressive looking move that includes one of the guys throwing a cheerleader up into the air and then catching her. I may want to support Krissi at events like this, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to if she's the one getting thrown up into the air like that. I know cats are supposed to land on their feet, but I've seen evidence that this one doesn't.

As if the routine senses what I'm most nervous about, Krissi springs into a backflip, becoming barely more than a blur of blue and white.

My heart pounds as I watch and I'm unable to tear my eyes away. I've seen her perform acrobatics like this multiple times, and yet I'm still worried she's going to get hurt.

She's caught moments later by one of the others and set on her feet again.

The audience makes a loud noise again, though I don't think it's to do with Krissi's move, she still seems to be on the outside of the group. I'm sure that will change as they compete more and Zara realises the talent the leopard shifter has. I've known Zara long enough to know she's a hard taskmaster, but talent matters to her, and Krissi's won't go unnoticed.

The music comes to an end and the team all stills as one. They form two neat rows and bow to the judges.

"Do you think they did enough to win?" Michaela asks.

"I honestly have no idea," I admit. "All of this is completely new to me."