Then again, I haven't seen Michaela in about half an hour, there's a chance Krissi is right and she's in a worse state than the shifter in front of me.
It's been a fun night, but I think it's time that we all went home.
I pull out my phone and open up the group chat and type out a quick message asking who else is ready. If it's just the two of us, then we can just grab a taxi or something.
Krissi's phone pings and she opens up her bag to pull it out despite having just seen me send the message.
She laughs lightly as she realises what she's done. "Oops. But look, Mickie's already replied. She says she and Fiona already. Oh and Dylan sent an eggplant emoji. I'm not sure what that means."
I try to smother a laugh, but she catches me.
Krissi cocks her head to the side. "Do you know what it means?"
"So...oh. OH." She blushes furiously. "Right, sorry, I knew that."
"At least he's not saying anything obscene."
"Somehow this is worse," she mutters. "Couldn't he just have said he's gone home?"
"Have you met Dylan? He's never going to take that route," I point out. I like the guy, but he does have an annoying tendency of overusing emojis, particularly when he's been drinking. I wonder if it's so no one can tell he's unable to type anymore.
"Fair point." She sighs. "Let's go, we can meet the others outside the club." She turns without waiting for me to respond and starts to make her way back inside.
I hurry after her, a little worried that she's going to fall over on her way out. She may be graceful and sturdy when she's sober, but it turns out that drunk-Krissi is neither of those things.
It makes me wonder just how bad things really are when she's in her shifter form.
I holdout my arms in an attempt to balance myself as I walk down the curb, refusing to use the path because of reasons that are lost to me.
"You're going to hurt yourself," Michaela calls through cackles of laughter.
"No, I'm not!"
"We need to get some food in her," she mutters to Cyprus and Jeremy.
"Are you sure she won't just throw it all up?" Fiona asks.
"Ew, I'm not cleaning it up if she does," Cyprus responds.
I spin around, easily keeping my balance.
"I'm not going to throw up," I assure him. "I'm perfectly fine. I'll just do this and my head will be clear." I reach within myself and pull my leopard to the surface.
My whole body changes, with fur sprouting all over my skin, and everything getting bigger until I'm standing in front of them in my feline form.
Or I am, until I start to fall over.
A blur of orange and black streaks towards me from where Jeremy stands, propping me up before I fall over completely.
"Shift back, Krissi," Michaela says. "You're just going to hurt yourself."