Though apparently clumsier too.

"Do you want to get some air?" she yells over the music.

If I didn't have decent hearing thanks to my inner tiger shifter, I don't think I'd have heard her.

I nod and hold out my hand to her. If I was sober, I'd know better than to touch her like that. But as far as Krissi's concerned, I find it hard to ignore the draw I feel to her.

She slips her hand into mine and I try to control my reaction to such a simple gesture. I always knew that Kayra choosing Magnus over me was the right thing for her, but meeting Krissi has finally made it clear that it was the right thing for me too.

Not that I envy Magnus his position while Kayra is still trying to cement herself properly as the Shifter Queen, especially after she went and changed some of the rules about how the community runs. Most of that isn't felt by people at our level, but I know they're happening.

I lead Krissi through the club and out into the smoking area. I hate that this is the best place to get air here, but it's better than nothing.

"Sorry, I think the heat was getting to me," Krissi says, fanning her face.

"I know what you mean." My ears are ringing in the relative quiet compared to the music pounding away inside.

Krissi groans and presses her hands against her ears. "I wish they considered how bad it is for shifters to have music that loud."

"They do at Jungle."

"You mean that shifter only place?"

"That's the one. I've never been, but one of the guys on the team told me about it," I say.

"Just with shifters?"

"Allegedly, they even have a room where you can shift and dance at the same time." Up until now, it's never sounded fun, but seeing the expression on her face, I think it might be.

"We should go some time. I'd like to see that. Not that I can dance very well as a leopard. I might as well just lie down and bob my head."

"Are you saying that what you were doing in there as a human was good dancing?" I tease.

She makes a little shocked face. "Jeremy, you wound me." She presses her hands to her chest, only serving to draw my attention to how tight her dress is and how well it fits her. Between the hours of weekly cheer practice, and the shifter genetics, she's at peak fitness, and while she's dressed like this, it's obvious.

I'm glad I'm not the jealous type or I might struggle with it, even if she is just my friend.

"Sorry, what I meant to say is that you're the best dancer I've ever seen."

Krissi lets out a soft snort. "Now I know you're lying to me."

"I'd never lie to you."

Her entire demeanour softens and she reaches out to put a hand on my chest. "I know you wouldn't."

Pride wells up within me at the idea that I've managed to prove to her that I'm trustworthy. I want her to think well of me, and not just because I want to kiss her right now.

She's standing close enough, and she's leaning in. Everything about her body language says that she wants this.

And while that may be true, I'm not going to take advantage of the situation. If we have a first kiss, and I hope we do, then it's going to be when both of us are sober and able to make our choice with open eyes.

As hard as it is to do, I take a step back and clear my throat. "I think I'm about ready to go home."

She nods. "Me too. Mickie has already banned me from going near the bar again."

"I'm not sure why, she's easily as drunk as the rest of us."

Krissi grins. "And I can deal with drinking better than any witch can." She sways as she talks, revealing that it may be a lie.