I ease myself onto my side, sensing how much she wants me to stay inside her. I make sure I hug her close as we both lay spent.

Locked in an embrace with nothing but panting breaths and smiles of near disbelief that anything so incredible could even be possible.

“We did it,” I whisper breathlessly.

“You did it alright,” she giggles quickly, gasping in a quick breath as she feels my stiffness still flexing inside her.

“No, I mean… we did it. Don’t you think?” I eventually ask, propping myself up on one elbow.

Caressing her cheek when she pouts once I finally slide out of her.

“We made more than just a noise,” she echoes back to me knowingly but asks me if it’s really possible to ‘know’ we’ve made a baby.

I shrug my shoulders, grinning like a maniac.

“I don’t know how I know, but I just know. Don’t you feel it?” I ask her.

Watching her whole body relax by degrees until she’s completely done with her climax.

“Oh, I think I’m gonna feel it for a few days yet,” she jokes, widening her eyes in amazement.

“I love you, May,” I blurt out.

“I’ve always loved you, but now you’re all grown up…I can really love you. Like you should be,” I explain, feeling my emotions getting a voice for the first time in my life.

I don’t even have to think about it, just saying it flows naturally.

She makes a small sound, frowning as her eyes mist up and clutching her arms around my neck as if her life depends on it. She tells me the same.

Both of us confess our true feelings with three little words.

“I love you, Brandon,” May sniffs. Her tears of joy welled up but never shed.

Keeping the same feelings I have for her inside herself. With everything already shared between us, there’s no need to waste another drop.

There’s no need for her to ever shed another tear again, except the happy ones.

“Iloveyou, May,” I tell her again.

Savoring the words aloud makes it easier in my mind and body, now knowing that there are finally spoken words for the feelings.

Words we’ll share every chance we get from now on.



Having a man like Brandon relieve me of my virginity is one thing. But having him tell me he loves me?

It completes me.

It changes me.

And it changes everything between us for the better.

Somehow we both just know he’s put a baby in me, but his desire for me doesn’t leave once he’s claimed me.

There are no more questions, no more wondering what if – no more chasing.