I want my sisters.

Ijustwant my sisters.

All the fight leaves me and I dissolve into tears again, the only energy I have used for my sobs that shake my body against the cold table. I just want to go home and have my sisters beside me, but I will never go home again.

I was wrong. I do have enough fight left for one more scream. One that feels like it comes from the depths of my soul, travels through me, and tears from my throat. It scares me, because I've never heard anything like it, and because with my scream I have to face the worst truth; that my scream is falling on deaf ears.

Chapter 3

I jolt awake at a scream that tears through my mind.Leah'sscream. I know it well. My eyes search wildly around my bedroom, looking for Leah because the sound still echoes, but realizing she can't actually be here. I know it wasn’t a nightmare, so my mind races, trying to figure out why and how in the hell I just heard her scream. That sinking feeling I’ve had in my stomach has gotten so much worse. It's a physical ache now, making me groan as I sit up in bed, but I damn near fall out of bed in my rush to stand. Listening to the movement outside of my bedroom, and deeper into the cavern, I can tell I've slept much later than I meant to.

"Fuck!" I shout.

"Kayo." my mother calls out. "Are you okay?"

"What time is it?" I ask as I exit the bedroom.

Her eyes flick to a watch on her wrist that some of the humans down here wear to keep account of the time. To us Grounders, only day and night matter, sleeping during the day when the vibrations from the movement above is overwhelming to our hearing otherwise, and moving about during the night.

"Twelve-thirty," she answers.

"Why did no one wake me?"

"I did not feel it was the wisest thing to do." My father comes out of their bedroom, answering the question instead of my mother. She gives my father a look that says she does not agree, though.

"She is my mate," I say sternly. "I need to be with her now."

"Except you can't, Kayo. And I fear that seeing her cry, which she will, will be too much for you. We can both admit that you are already dangerously close to the edge right now."

"And what edge is that?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Of doing something foolish."

My nostrils flare at his words. "Do you not trust me?"

"You know we do," my mother states softly, but I keep my gaze locked on my father.

"I trust you. I raised you, so know you are trustworthy. But I once had a mate that I had to wait months and months for, Kayo, and I know the waiting about drove me mad. I don't know what I would have done if I had to watch your mother suffer and knew I couldn't do anything about it. That is all I mean, son."

My shoulders lose some of their tension at his words, at the reminder that he does understand some of what I'm going through.

"I just...don't want her to be alone, father. Not tonight. And I know I can't physically be with her, but at least I will know she's not truly alone."

My father looks at me for a second, then nods. "I am sorry I didn't wake you. I should have. I won't hold you up any longer. Go on."

I grab my sheath with my sword and knife inside it from the wall and begin towards the door.

"Maybe you can leave her something for her to find in the morning, like a secret admirer," my mother suggests.


She chuckles. "It’s exactly what it sounds like. You're the admirer, obviously a secret one, but you leave her something to let her know that sheisbeing admired."

"Like flowers?"

"Sure. Anything you know she likes."

I slowly nod, strapping the sheath to my back. "Thank you, mother."