"It is sorely needed," Grace says. "The doctors up there are horrible. Any more than a runny nose and they're lost. They freaking gave me stitches without even numbing it when I was a kid." Then, she throws her head back in laughter. "No, you are not finding the doctor and ripping his arm off, Olex."

He arches a brow like he won't be deterred, and she shakes her head.

"Granted everything goes well with the children," Linc begins, "the President spoke of something like a market where we could exchange goods with the humans. I'm not too sure how that would work since we don't use money, though, as currency."

"Chocolate!" I blurt out.

My sisters and Kayo chuckle, knowing how badly I miss it. Kayo brings it back whenever he goes up, but I. Need.More.

"Where would it be?" Keri asks.

"It would have to be—" Warzo begins but a sound cuts him off.

I'm in so much pain that it takes me a moment to realize the sound came from me. Kayo's hands are on my face in an instant.

"What's wrong?" he urgently asks through clenched teeth.

I learned that because the males can feel what their mates can, during childbirth, they feel a portion of what the mother does. Nowhere near the full brunt, and as Grace and Keri told me, it doesn't take away from my pain at all. The look on his face right now though, tells me he felt enough of whatever the hell just made me feel like my insides were being turned with a damn butcher knife to be in pain as well.

"I think it's time," Nicole says, so calmly.

"Get ready for her to despise you," Olex snickers.

I begin to object but the same pain hits me again and any words or thoughts are snatched from me as my eyes fly wide and my hands ball into tight fists.

"No, no. We need you to relax," Nicole states. I look at her like she's crazy and she chuckles. "Tensing up only makes the contractions worse."

Three hours of that pain later and I truly don't know if it could get any worse. I want to crawl out of my own skin. I want to run from a pain I cannot escape. As Grace keeps telling me, the only way for the pain to end is for me to give birth, so I do everything they tell me to. What choice do I have now? Nicole, Keri, and Grace get everything ready for the baby to come as Kayo holds my hand as we walk around the bedroom again and again, trying to speed this up. I didn't witness Grace's delivery, but Keri's took fourteen hours. I refuse to be in labor that long. I will do anything to not be in labor for that long.

"Come over here and get on your hands and knees," Keri suggests. "Kayo can rub your back.

Yes, because that's begun hurting now, too. Like something is slamming a sledgehammer into it...repeatedly.

I nod, because I don't even feel like I have the energy to talk anymore, and Kayo helps me place my knees to the floor, so I can lean on the bed. His fist twists into my back and I sigh. But the next sound out of me is anything but one of relief. I feel the baby drop...a lot. And then, pressure. So. Much. Pressure.

"I have to...I have...I don't know...I..." I pant. I stammer. I don't know what to say or do. Only that I am in unbearable pain, and I need my son out right now.

"You're ready to push?" I hear Nicole ask behind me.

I give a lazy nod. Kayo comes onto the bed, so we're face to face. Another contraction hits me, and I see his eyes widen. He gives his head a few jerky shakes before he can speak.

"You can do this. I know you're in pain but it's almost over. Then our son will be here."

All I can do is give him a cry. I feel my dress flip up and I hear Nicole telling Kayo to come and be ready to receive his son. Keri grips one hand of mine and Grace takes hold of the other.

"On the next contraction, I want you to push with everything you have inside of you," Nicole instructs me.

I get only a few seconds of relief and then it overtakes me. I begin to push, and a scream like a freaking feral animal tears from me.

"Good, good," Nicole says. "Take a break."

My top half collapses to the bed.

"You're doing so good," Keri tells me.

"A few more pushes and he'll be here," Grace adds.

Now that, I did not want to hear. I want to believe this next push is it.