"What do I smell like?" she asks. I can feel her pussy tighten around me, ready to go again.


"You taste like chocolate."

I laugh and she backs up to look at me with furrowed brows. "What?"

"A male's cum will taste like whatever his mate's favorite taste is. So, when you put your mouth on me and I heard chocolate rush through your thoughts, I was not at all surprised."

"I love it."

"I love that you love everything about me."

"Humans would find it so strange, to love someone so quickly. To love someone so deeply, so quickly."

"We have no concept of this. I don't understand how someone can find love strange. Love has no time frame, no limits, no schedule. I grew up watching males go off to claim their mates, and we would count the days it took him to return with her." I smile. "We all take bets really."

She gasps and chuckles. "You don't. How many days did it take Olex to bring Grace home?"

"Twenty-one. I was starting to wonder there."

She throws her head back with laughter. "I'm sure Grace didn't make it easy."

"He made up for the shame by having his bonding ceremony so quickly," I joke.

"Tell me about it, the ceremony."

"I've seen it from the outside, where the males do their hair in intricate designs, and the females wear their best dresses. I've watched the mates hold hands, exchange words, but they say it's so different when you're up there, everyone in the village watching you bond yourselves to each other for life. My parents, other mates, have tried to explain it, but they kind of always end up saying it's an indescribable feeling. Something that surrounds you, but only the people bonding can feel. And then after, like I told you already, the female can read his mind as well."

She swallows before asking, "When will we have ours?"

"As soon as you want. You tell me the day and I'm there. It will be my privilege to stand up there with you, in front of everyone I hold dear, to pledge myself to you forever."

"But will they think less of me, of us, Kayo? You told me about your laws, what your village thinks of males who do not adhere to them to get their mates to stay. The females who come to your village without having to had gone through the same confusion as the other females. Who didn’t have to go through the same uncertainty at the other females before affirming her love."

"I won't lie and—"

"You can't lie." She chuckles.

I narrow my eyes at her and she smiles, even though I can feel her anxiety and uneasiness about all that's going to come today.

"I won't lie," I repeat, "and say it will be easy. It won't. I will have to explain why I did things the way I did, my choices and actions. There are some who will judge you, but none of it truly matters in the end because nothing can come between me and you. Not your people. Not my people. Nothing. And I will be there for you through everything. We won't have our own cavern just yet because, well, I angrily thought I had another year to make everything perfect for you."

"I don't care about any of that Kayo. You know that."

"I know, but I do. It's what I do for you. Give you a home, feed you, get you anything that you desire. It's important I do those things."

"So, what do you have done so far?"

"I have three rooms down."

"More than we have here," she points out. "We can move to it and just finish the rest later."

I shake my head. "I didn't secure it all yet. I was waiting until I was done to do that. It'll take me...maybe a week to get the rest done. Then, I’ll have to build furniture for us. So, probably three weeks."

She smirks. "I think it will take you less time."

My brows furrow. "What makes you say that?"