With more confidence than I've seen from her yet, she moves me and herself until I'm lying on the blankets and she's straddling me. Her pussy is suddenly against me, my cock between her wet folds, the tip right at her clit. She's asking herself if she's okay with this, so I stay completely still. She likes it but isn’t sure if she's comfortable with my cock being so close to entering her.

"Then don't stay there," I say.

A blush spreads up her chest and neck. "It's not that—"

"You don't have to explain anything to me. You're not completely comfortable, so don't stay there. Do whatever else you want or tell me that we're done. Whatever you want, Leah."

The feeling of trust, of safety, rushes through her and with it, comfort. She does move, though, but not to climb off me, to move backwards, between my thighs. I reach down and remove my loincloth completely so nothing will be in the way of her touching any of me.

She licks her lips as she looks at my cock. That look alone has my hands gripping the blankets, so I don’t reach out to her instead. Then she's leaning forward, and I don't even breathe as I watch her bring her mouth to my cock. Her tongue peeks out, licking a circle around the tip. I fight not to arch into her mouth. Her lips wrap around me, and I groan as her mouth moves down my cock. Tongue moving along the underside of my cock, lips gripping me tightly, and her hands coming to my thighs to steady herself, it's all too fucking much. But I only want more.

She's stopped asking herself if I like what she's doing, my sounds and small arches into her mouth reassuring her of that. Her only thoughts now are of enjoying the feel of my cock in her mouth, the smoothness of my skin as she moves her head up and down, my thighs twitching under her hands. She is a fucking vision above me, head bobbing, cheek hollowed, losing enough shyness for her eyes to meet mine. There is a power there, a beautiful power.

She brings her mouth to my tip, licking around it and I hiss. Around me, her lips curve up into something of a smile. I bite down on my bottom lip at the sight of it, and at the way she sucks hard on my tip.

"Fuck, Leah," I curse.

She goes back down then, more than she has before, until the tip of my cock is at the back of her throat. A groan leaves me, and she stays there, tongue moving, mouth tightening.

"Swallow, Leah," I pant. "I am begging you to swallow."

She does and I groan out, my eyes closing as my head presses back to the blankets, my back arching to drive my cock even deeper into her mouth. Then, she fucking moans around me and my hands are moving before I even fully realize it, going to her head. The moment they make contact, I pay attention to her thoughts, but she likes it. When I look at her again, her own eyes are fluttering closed. I move her head on me, slowly sliding it down, quickly rising it up. She lets me, just hollowing her cheeks when I thrust into her mouth and push her head down, moving her tongue on me when I draw my hips back.

Then those gorgeous eyes open again, looking up through her lashes at me right as I reach the back of her throat again, and I know I'm holding on by the thinnest of threads at this point.

"Leah, I'm about to come," I grit out "If you don't want me to come in your mouth, then stop now."

She shakes her head on me, eyes becoming downright mischievous as she licks up the underside of my cock. A vicious shiver rushes through me and I curse, my body losing all control.

"Leah," I sigh as cum bursts from me.

I see her eyes widen as it fills her mouth.

Chocolate,her mind whispers.

She swallows, working her throat around me, letting my cum slide down her throat. I absolutely hate to stop looking at her, but my head feels far too fucking heavy now and I let it drop back, eyes closing as I continue coming. Even when she lets me slip out of her mouth, I lay there feeling heavy, exhausted, weighted down but only by the most pleasurable experience I have ever had. My hand, my imagination of what her mouth would feel like, does not compare to her in the least.

"I cannot move so please come up here," I say.

She chuckles as she moves up my body, coming to rest on top of me, her chest to mine, her head on my shoulder, her lips close to my neck.

"So, you liked it?" she asks.

"Leah, I am paralyzed right now. I fucking loved it."

I feel her mouth curve up, her cheeks rising with her smile. She snuggles into me more.

"Thank you."

My brows furrow. "What could you be thanking me for?"

"For letting me explore you. For letting me figure it all out with you. I know you're so sure of everything, so it's probably frustrating to hear my thoughts change all the time, and for you to know I want things but then don't let us do them."

"That's just it though, Leah, what you just said. I am sure of everything. I'm sure of you. I don't need to rush anything because we have forever."

"What if...what if one day you don't want me anymore?"

"That's not possible."