"You're really willing to remain tied up as long as I want you to?"

"I would do anything for you, Leah. You just don't know how true that is yet."

Anything. He would do anything for me. It's such a hard concept for me to accept.

"What would you do if I untied you now?" I question.

"I would hold you."

My brows furrow. "That's all?"

"That's all I think you are comfortable with me doing right now."

His words hit a spot so deep inside me that I thought was gone, entirely ripped out. The part that trusts and believes, that wants someone else's words to be true. I stare at him as I decide if I can trust this part of me that wants to trust someone else. Hands shaking, I lean forward, reaching for the rope. Undoing the knots makes me realize just how easily he could have released his own hands all along, but didn't. The rope goes slack, but he doesn't bring them up, only flexes them slowly, like he's giving me time to adjust to them being free. I need the time too.

I swallow, watching him and his hands, not sure what to do now. He slowly twists to the side and hands me my dress from the ground. I gratefully take it and pull it over my head. His hands come down now, one going to his loincloth, using it to clean himself up. I wipe my hand on the bottom of my dress. His other hand comes towards me and I still, waiting to see what he'll do. His fingers wrap around the ends of my hair, rubbing the strands between his fingers.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," he says low. "Will you let me hold you?"

Yes,my mind answers for me. I know he heard it, so instead of voicing it, I lean forward, this time moving up to bring my head to his shoulder instead of his chest. It also makes my pussy move on his thigh again. Now that my desire has been awakened, it would seem it has no end, because again, my body flushes with heat.

"Just know that I am always, always available for whatever you want." I can hear the humor in his voice.

It makes me smile, after a day and night that felt like I would never smile again. I close my eyes with that smile on my face.

Chapter 7

She's given me small smiles that make my heart race, and soft touches that make my body long for more, and yet, she hasn't invited me to touch her back in the days we've been down here, so I wait. Each day though, she speaks a little more, and a little louder. She sits a little closer to me while we eat and talk. Every night however, she crawls into my arms to sleep. She feels safe, and I never find myself going to sleep before her because then I would miss her thoughts until her eyes close.

Always, at first, the thoughts are of her sisters, seeing them again, and of what my village looks like. I've described it to her, but I know my words don't do it justice. Then, her thoughts turn to herself, of her surprising trust of me, and the way it feels to be in my arms. When it turns to her desire for me, it's so hard for me not to say a word, not to invite her to tie me up again, or to offer to do every single filthy thing that comes into her mind. But she's still figuring it all out, what it means to feel this way for me and to be my mate, what it means to want me and be wanted by me.

"And what is this one called?" I ask, handing her some food in a plastic wrapper.

"A fruit snack." She chuckles, ripping it open. "You don't have fruit snacks in your village?"

"No. We have the vegetables we grow, fruits we get from the forest, and animals we come above ground to hunt. I'm sure if the other humans were allowed to come back up for things, they would bring their favorite foods down and introduce them to us, but since only we can go up at night to hunt, your people wouldn't exactly react well to us strolling into a store to get these things."

"You do know a lot of women actually find monsters attractive, right?"

"I don't think we do. Or I certainly wasn't aware. Our elders usually advise the males going to claim their mates not to show their faces right away."

"Ever since those drawings came out, I think people have less reservations about admitting their attraction to them."

I sit up straighter at her mention of the drawings. "I drew those."

Her eyes widen. "Really?"

"It's my second favorite thing to do, after building things."

"They were beautiful. Very detailed. I loved them, not the monsters themselves, but the drawings."

"Ah, so you were not one of the females attracted to monsters?"

"I've never been attracted to anyone before..." She ducks her head and looks at me shyly through her lashes. "I mean, I've found people handsome, could acknowledge they had a nice smile or something like that, but I've never felt attraction. Never...wanted someone. I never thought I would honestly. Then, with you, it came out of nowhere. I still don't understand it really."

"I don't think it's something to really be understood. No one ever made you feel that way before. As long as it's an emotion you like feeling, I think that's all that matters."

She nods, finally popping the weird looking bear shaped thing into her mouth.