Her eyes narrow. "If my sisters were alive, they would find a way back to me. They would never leave me alone."

"They are forbidden from coming above ground again, by your leaders. The women that are sent down are not truly sacrifices, but mates being sent down to us. We have thirty days to then convince her to stay with us. No female has ever chosen to go, they become a part of our village, our families. Your sisters are mates to my brothers. You would have been chosen to be drafted next year to be sent down to me."

"How can I possibly believe you?"

I search for a way to convince her. "Grace, she wears a ring that belongs to your mother, it has hands holding a heart."

Shock ripples through her, giving way to that hope again. She leans forward. "And Keri?"

"I only know her from seeing her when I would come to watch you. She will be with my brother right now, lowered down to him hours ago."

"Watch me?"

Damn it.That was the wrong choice of words, because now she's angry and alarmed.

"I have known you are my mate for almost a year. I would come to check on you, make sure you were okay whenever I could."

"What have you seen?" she asks low.

I see what fills her mind though. The nights she has cried herself to sleep. The days when she couldn't even get out of bed. Her father hurting her, before my brothers and I had killed him. I wish she could know I only see this as what makes her strong instead of something to be ashamed of.

"I've seen you cry, but I've also seen you smile and laugh. I've seen you fall apart but also put yourself back together. I've seen you be beautiful, and strong, and funny. I've seen...you."

No one ever sees me,she thinks.

"I do.”

She starts at remembering that I can hear her thoughts. I struggle not to laugh as she begins to think of the most random things. Unicorns, rainbows, gowns for balls she's seen in history class. But then, her sisters are on her mind again.

"Is Grace happy?" she inquires.

"So happy." I smile. "Her and Olex are expecting a child any day now."

I get my first smile from her, and my heart explodes at the sight. "Pregnant? My sister? Boy or girl?"

"Male. We only have males now."

"And Keri, she'll be in this...thirty-day period you talked about?"

"Yes. Linc needs to persuade her. Which, from what I've seen of her from your memories..."

"Will be the hardest thing he's ever done."

I don't get a laugh or chuckle from her, but I do get a small sound of amusement. I take it as a win, as a reason to move a little bit closer. She notices it, her mind immediately switching to a state of alertness.

Can I trust him? He saved me when he had no reason to. He looks at me like I mean something to him. Does he find me attractive, or is it just because we're bound in his mind? I think—Shit, he can hear every word. Shit, he heard that too.

"I assure you I find you very attractive. I find you to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

She blushes, even though she doesn't quite believe me. Her body heats, and my cock begins to get hard as that heat rushes straight to her pussy. Then, she's freezing again, remembering the way she was wrapped around me, and the thoughts that went through her mind as she grinded against me.

"Did you..." she begins to ask, but embarrassment stops her.

"Why are you ashamed of feeing desire?"

"I...I have never been...attracted to anyone."

My eyebrows raise. I know that she hadn't while I've been watching her, but I'd thought that was because she was so deep in her sorrow and grief, but to know she's never before felt what she did with me.... It fills me with so much lust that I have to stop myself from reaching out and touching her.