"Thank you," I say low. "For all of that."

"It's only right," he replies.

I sit back next to Kayo, and Grace and Keri come over.

"I'm proud of you," Grace tells me as she hugs me.

"I'm glad you're finally realizing how strong you always were," Keri adds.

"I always tell her the same thing." Kayo smiles at me.

"Well, do you think it worked?" I ask Kayo once my sisters sit back down.

"Who could ever resist your words?" he asks. "Certainly not me."

I give him an exasperated face. "That's not really answering my question, but I'll take it. I can't believe all of this is happening. It doesn't seem real that humans will suddenly know their daughters, sisters, and granddaughters aren't dead. Will get to see them again, hold them again."

"Is there anyone you want to see again?"

I don't even have to think before I shake my head. "Everything I need is right here."

"Everything?" He smiles.

"Every single thing." I don't even consider if anyone's watching us when I move into his lap. "I have my sisters, a family I never expected, a home. And you. You. You. You."

He looks at me with so much softness in his eyes, it almost makes me cry as he begins talking low, just for me to hear. "As long as you have me, you have a love that will never end. Protection, affection, respect, trust, adoration, worship really. You have it all, and whatever else you ask my for."

A baby,I think.

His eyes widen.Right now?

I throw my head back in laughter at the excitement I feel rush through him. And at the way I feel him getting hard beneath me.

Do the mates usually stay for the whole feast?

Hell no. Some people are probably wondering why we're still even here.

I tuck my lips in my mouth to contain my laughter.I want to go to our cavern. I'll go back to your parents' and get the candles. You bring the blankets and a hard cock.

His eyes widen and brows raise.When you fucking talk like that, Leah...

I stand from his lap.You want to what? Lick me? Eat me? Fuck me?

He raises too, and I'm sure anyone looking at us can tell from the look on his face that we're leaving for a very specific reason.

All of the fucking above.

His words are growled within my head, sending heat rushing through me as I walk away from the table, looking at Kayo over my shoulder. I can see everyone from our table watching me leave, my sisters whispering to each other and then laughing. Keri, of course, winks at me. I chuckle as I look forward again. I get the candle from our bedroom and then I'm gone, walking on the outskirts of the market to get to the tunnel I need to. I'm barely noticed as dessert is given out to all the guests. Then, I'm running to our cavern.

Once I get through the door, I gasp. Kayo has done so much. There's furniture in the sitting area now. I didn't even really need the candle because he's already put up the blue lights that fill the village in our home. I go along the hallway, of sorts, and pass the hot spring to the left to find we now have a cooking area diagonal from it with a large table and benches on both sides of it in there. The other two rooms are carved out but empty.

Do you like it?I hear asked in my mind, making me look over my shoulder.

"Of course, I do," I answer, and feel his relief. "Were you nervous I wouldn't?"

"Of course. I want you to love the home I make, and our life together down here."

I turn and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If this was still nothing but dirt, I would be happy here, simply because I'm with you."