I see Kayo give a thankful nod beside me.

"Can I go?" I ask.

I know Kayo heard me considering it while we were in the hot spring, but he didn't say a word. Another thing I love about him, that although he always wants to protect me, he also lets me figure things out for myself. Lets me ask this even though I'm sure he's against it.

"Why do you want to?" Warzo asks.

"I'm sure the President has told even his council and advisors whatever version of the story he wants them to believe. Probably showed them the doctored video, as well. Even with Kayo telling them what happened, I fear they won't believe him, thinking he's just saying whatever he can to avoid a war. But if I come, I am the proof that I willingly went with Kayo. I can tell them what the President did to me, and the lies he's told. Even if they're hellbent on war, they can't say they didn't know the facts and ignored them to seek bloodshed."

Warzo nods. "I understand, and I agree that you being there would help."

I see Kayo twitch beside me, but still, he remains silent.

"But what I fear," Warzo continues, "is that they will use the situation to just take you by force. Use their laws to try to keep you from returning with us. Or even use us refusing to hand you over at the meeting as an act of war. Even if bringing Kayo to the meeting tells then that you are now in our village, they would have to come down to retrieve you, which would be a lot harder than them just taking you from a meeting in their center."

Even as disappointment fills me, so does concern. "What's to stop them from just taking Kayo by force, then?"

Warzo grins, and there is nothing kind in it. It is, however, reassuring. "The small army we're bringing with us."

"When do we leave?" Kayo asks.

"After we're done eating," Warzo answers.

Although I can see the worry on Nicole's face, she smiles up at me. "What's your favorite breakfast, dear?"


She claps excitedly. "I make the best ones."

She stands and I hurry to say, "Oh no. Please don't go to any extra lengths for me."

"You're my daughter." She waves my words away. "I'd go to any length for you."

Her words hit me square in the chest, sending tears tingling to the bridge of my nose. Kayo's lips come to my temple, and I lean into his body.

"I know," Grace says low.

I know she does. It's been so long since I had a mother. So long since I felt a mother's love. The first time I've felt a mother's love without fear and worry coating every word and look.

After we're all done eating, Kayo and Warzo both go into their bedrooms, returning with swords at their backs and more than one knife at their waist. Dread rushes through me. What if they take him? What if I never see him again? What if this is a trap?

"Look at me," Kayo says, his hands coming to my face so he makes sure my eyes are on him. "Do you think I would ever leave you?"

"Never," I whisper.

"So, believe me when I say that nothing is going to stop me from coming back down here to you."

"Promise me, Kayo," I croak. "Because I know if you promise, you will never break your word to me."

"I promise you."

He kisses me, soft, slow, and it’s over much too soon. His forehead comes to mine for a second, his eyes closing.

"I love you," I say low.

"I love you. And I will see you later."

I nod and we separate. When I turn to watch him go, I see Grace and Olex hugging, Warzo kissing Nicole's forehead. These goodbyes look too final, and I have to take a deep breath to keep fear at bay.