Page 50 of Their Sugar Baby

She gasps. “Miles! Oh god!”

“I’m going to make sure you remember me, Bella.”

She comes again and I jerk out, coming on her stomach as we pant together. My legs nearly give out from the force of my orgasm. It’s so intense, sweeping through me insanely. My head is dizzy and I end up sitting in my chair as I fight the dimming of my vision.

Bella sits up slowly and I hand her a cloth to wipe herself up. She takes care of it and pulls her dress down. She helps me redress and kisses me softly.

“I’d never be able to forgetyou, Miles.”

“You say that because you’re going to keep working for me.”

“I say it because it’s true.” She kisses me again. “You’re wonderful, handsome, and fucking sexy.”

Bella grabs her tablet off the floor, winks at me, and leaves my office. I sit there for a long moment, rubbing my chin. I’m definitely going to miss her. That’s for sure. I clear my throat and try to prepare for the fallout of this.

The guys don’t keep secrets, but I’m going to try and maintain Bella’s request. If she’s been with others recently, that will help soften the blow. Give them all one good memory to remember her by, just like she gave me.

I reach into my top desk drawer and pull out a picture of my daughter. Beautiful Sophie. I smile at it and relish the idea of being closer to her soon. I may not be able to keep Bella, but I’ll get to see my daughter and that’s more important.

From Sugar Daddy to real daddy.

And this could be good for all of us. The move, losing Bella.

“We’ll have to grow up,” I tell myself. “really commit to being mature men.”

A knock on the door startles me, but I yell come in while picking up the few other items on the floor. Luckily it’s Nick. He looks over the room and smirks. “Bella?”

“Bella indeed. What news do you have for me?”

He sinks into the chair and goes over hiring information and the expected growth, the expected expenses, and everything else work-related. I lose myself in work and only remember we’re losing Bella later that night. Matthew stays for dinner then says he has someplace to be.

Nothing else. He doesn’t hint at anything, but I know, and based on the look in Roman’s eyes, he knows too. He’s monopolizing Bella’s time and she’s more than happy to let him. It’ll be good for him too. It’s been too long since he’s been able to get close to someone.

Plus, we’ve survived war, we can absolutely survive losing Bella after enjoying her constantly.

I take a slow breath and see Holden appear. He looks around. “No Bella tonight?”

“I told you to ask her,” Roman says. “Text her tomorrow and I’m sure she’ll come right over. “

He nods once, but Gunner shrugs. “You should expand your options, Hold. She’s got six guys to keep up with.”

He snorts and scratches at his leg. “If Bella knew about this, she wouldn’t have any interest in me.”

“You don’t give her enough credit,” I tell him. “She’s plenty of things, but she’s not like that. Also, how on earth have you managed to keep that a secret for so many months?”

“Distracting her,” He says, but there’s something dark in her eyes. Like he thinks she might know his secret. As if he needs to hide his prosthetic from anyone.

“Just make plans,” Roman says again before heading upstairs. “I have some research to do.”

He’s pouting and trying to hide it. It’s almost cute on Roman.


Ipant and roll against Matthew, rubbing his chest and kissing up his neck. He chuckles and rolls on top of me, giving me a teasing smile. “Hey there, gorgeous.”

“Are you going to spend the night tonight?” I ask.

It’s one of the hurdles we haven’t crossed yet. Matthew plays with my fingers, then shifts to my side. He kisses my palm softly, then sighs. “Not tonight.”