Page 48 of Their Sugar Baby

We sit there for a while longer until I pat her thigh. We get dressed, she kisses me softly, then she heads back to her office. I can still taste her mouth on mine. I can still feel her body against me. Bella might be harder to give up than I planned.

I just need to talk to Matthew. He’ll give me a straight answer. I won’t get distracted. I won’t get half answers. So I make a note to myself to ask.

But when I get home that night, I see Gunner playing some video game on his own.

“Matthew not here?”

“Just missed him. He headed out about an hour ago.” Gunner says. “Blew off game night, the asshole.”

I don’t have any doubt he’s with Bella. And I have a feeling they’re making plans that the rest of us aren’t at all involved in.


Since Roman has mentioned it, I’ve noticed the change in Bella. She doesn’t seek attention from us like she used to. She works hard at the office and doesn’t even give herself time to flirt. But I see her and Matthew leave for lunch more than once.

I rub my jaw and call her in after another week since that’s the earliest I can possibly get her in. Bella stands in my office, wearing a sweater dress and knee-high boots. Her hair is back in a high ponytail, pulled away from her face. She looks like she should be walking down a catwalk.

“We have something to discuss, Bella.”

“I have everything set up for the move in two weeks. I’ve even found some places for you and the guys. Two. A penthouse apartment and the top two floors of a building which is up for remodel, you could turn it into a lovely place,” She says, looking at her tablet.

“There are three good insurance options, Nick has updated me on the hiring. I’ve also gotten the names of those who have put in for a transfer to New York, we,” She lists.


“I’ve let my apartment know that I’ll be leaving and since the mansion you and the guys have is such prime real estate, you may do better to sell in this market rather than rent unless of course, you want to keep the house and-”

“Bella. Sit.”

She blinks a few times as she takes in the tone of my voice and then sits obediently. She sets the tablet on the desk. “This isn’t about work is it?”

“No.” I rub my hands together and take a slow breath.

“Roman pointed something out last week and I ignored it. I can’t any longer.”

She looks at the floor, then meets my eyes.

“Before I elaborate, I will tell you that everything between us has been up to you. It has been and always will be your choice. When you want us, how many of us you want to see at any time, who you want to see. It has always been your choice.”

“I know.”

“On the premise that you’ve always been open and clear,” I remind her.

I stand to walk around my desk, then rest against it as I watch her. Bella pulls her ponytail over her shoulder and plays with the tips. “Miles … I feel close to Matthew. That’s true. But I was also with Roman recently. I was with Gunner yesterday.”

“Shoot straight, Bella. It’s one of my favorite things about you and I’d hate for that to change.”

“When we change states, our relationship will be changing too,” She says, lifting her chin. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and with me. I’ve enjoyed every bit of sharing you guys and being shared. It’s been amazing.”

I nod.

“But I feel a connection and I can’t just ignore that.” She swallows. “I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry. And I’ve really loved this.”

“I know you have or you wouldn’t have tolerated it for this long. And we have another two weeks.”

She nods, eying me slowly. “Two weeks to enjoy this relationship completely.”

When I’m silent, she stands and rubs her hand over my chest. “I only have one favor to ask.”