Page 46 of Their Sugar Baby

“Everyone but Matthew. He’s been going out, I’ve noticed he looks at her differently and she’s the same with him. We all knew this wouldn’t last, but how is Gunner going to feel if this continues?”

“She’s a free person, Roman. She can do as she pleases. If she doesn’t want all of us, that’s fine.” Miles shrugs. “As long as she communicates we won’t have a problem.”

I let the silence drag on. Bella has never been a guarantee other than she enjoys sex and can handle all of us easily. I know that we’ve been busier and that there’s been more work for her as well.

But there’s an unease in my chest. Maybe the last few months have gotten me too used to her? That or all the new business contacts and demands have me frazzled. I take a slow breath.

“Business reminds me a lot of war,” Miles says, focusing on Roman. “It has a way of twisting people up, confusing them, and changing the focus of any given day. Always on our toes, exhausted on a regular basis, negotiating and battling for the best deal.”

“It is.”

“Is that what’s bothering you?” Miles folds his hands on the desk. “I want to make sure we’re okay and that nothing is standing between us.”

“It’s possible I’m tired.”

“Then head home and get some sleep. I’ll close up here and we will both take Sunday off entirely.” Miles suggests.

I incline my head, then shut down my office, heading out and ignoring the ringing of the phone. Whoever is calling at nine can wait until tomorrow.

At home, it’s almost strange not to hear Bella, but I remind myself that this has always been nothing more than a fling. It was a way to pass time and have our needs met by a gorgeous woman who can handle all of us.

That’s all. If Bella wants Matthew … if she hangs around giving him and only him her body, we can still have her as a friend or acquaintance. Her job won’t be affected, even though I know it will take some adjusting.

From day two we’ve had her at our disposal. It will be an adjustment.

I worry about how Gunner will take it. Honestly, I worry how I’ll be able to handle it. I enjoy the chemistry I have with Bella. I like how we match up at work when we’re teasing when we’re fucking.

But I can’t deny her. Not if she wants this.

I feel a migraine in my head and push the thoughts away. I need to relax. I get through a shower that’s too hot and check in with my family at home. I even give Massimo a call to see if he’ll be playing around here any time soon so I can see him.

Once I take care of all that, I grab some food from the kitchen and see Holden. He stares at the wine bottle.

“Been a while since Bella’s been over.”

“Ask her to come over then,” I advise.

I don’t know if she’ll say yes, but if Holden wants to see her, he needs to learn to ask. He’s been withdrawn since we got back in the states, but sometimes he just needs a little push. Maybe Bella could inspire him to take that extra step.

“I just might.”

He considers it and walks away. So I’m not the only one who feels it. Feel her drawing back, pulling away. I’m not just overworked.

Saturday gives me time to focus solely on work. Until Bella walks in. she hands me a few documents and I catch the back of her thigh. “I miss you in skirts, showing off your sexy legs.”

“Then give me an order, Roman. You know how good I can be,” She says in my ear.

“How busy are you right now?” I grunt.

“Not at all,” She says.

“Then I don’t think you need that shirt or pants.”

Bella takes a step back from me and slowly strips herself. I watch with rapt attention, rubbing over the valley of my lips as she teases me with slow moves. Her fingers stroke between her exposed breast, then to her thin little thong.

She turns in a circle and puts her palms against the wall, wiggling her ass at me before she smacks it. I smirk. “A perfect view. Come here.”

She licks over her top lip. “Make me, Roman.”