Page 44 of Their Sugar Baby

Once home, I pull on a simple cotton and spandex dress that’s a light blue color, put the top half of my hair back, then set up a bunch of candles around the living room. I find the massage oil, clean up generally and look at my fridge for food.

“Dam. I forgot to get groceries,” I grumble.

I’ll blame the guys. They make my brain go mushy.

I start to call Matthew but hear a knock on the door. I walk over and see him there, looking comfortable and holding take-out. “Indian food?”

I groan. “You keep this up and I’m going to start thinking you’re perfect.”

He hands me a bouquet of flowers and kisses me softly as he walks in. We unpack the food and eat, both talking about our day, then I turn off almost all the lights and light the candles. Matthew catches me in his arms and pulls me back against him.

The tip of his nose brushes my temple and slides down over my cheek before he presses a soft kiss to my jaw. “I think you’re magic, Bella.”

“Because of how I light candles?”

“Because of how I feel around you.” Another kiss, this one on my neck. “And because of who you are. So ambitious and determined. You don’t slack anywhere in your life and you know what you want.”

Except the things I want can be complicated. I love the thought of coming home to Matthew every day. I love the idea of us being like this. I would give up all the guys for him. He’s the best one for me. I know it.

But that doesn’t make it easy. What if that turns the others against him? What if it means I end up fired? Plus the move is coming up and I haven’t even decided if I’m going to go to New York. I want to, but if I’m not invited ….

If I am invited, will all six of them want me the same way?

“Bella.” Matthew hums against my throat. “You still with me?”

“Just thinking about the future.”

He smiles against my shoulder and guides me back tighter against him. “I think you might need the massage. You’re all tense now.”

I insist on giving him one first, as promised. Touching him shirtless is so familiar now, but I still marvel at the man. He’s gorgeous. Every bit of muscle, even the few scars on his back. I kiss one of them as I finish.

“Feels good,” He murmurs.

I lay down and let him massage me after taking off my dress and bra. Matthew sighs. “What in the future were you thinking about?”

“New York and you,” I admit simply.

“I’m sure Miles will ask you to come to New York based on your merit as an employee. You’ve made everything so easy and we all know that you’re simplifying our days a whole lot. It’s remarkable how much you get done.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “I’m glad that I’m worth more than a good lay.”

“A great lay,” He argues.

We both laugh and his hands soften over my lower back. “And me?”

“We’ve been on a lot of dates, Matthew.” I stare at my couch rather than him. “I think it’s obvious that I like you. And that we connect more than me and the others.”

“I’m glad you said it. I started thinking I was the only one feeling it.”

“You aren’t.” I assure him with a smile. “But I feel like that might complicate things more. I’m Miles’s sugar baby. Roman and gunner are still very … eager to be with me – sexually at least.”

“They are.” Matthew agrees. “And I’m okay with that … right now. I’m not jealous or anything like that, darling. I love seeing how you let yourself enjoy us without worrying or overthinking.”

I let him continue to knead my muscles until he gets to my thighs. I smirk. “Having fun down there?”

“You know I enjoy the view.” He kisses my lower back and I hum in my throat. “I enjoy all of you Bella. And you’re not the only one thinking about a future for us.”

Turning around, I drink Matthew in. His skin glistens slightly in the wavering light of the candles, and his smile is just as warm as the flames. I move towards him and kiss his neck before teasing him with a bite.