Page 36 of Their Sugar Baby

I arch an eyebrow, ready to remind her of the three separate times we’ve been together now. She gently puts her hand over my mouth. “You have sex with me. It’s different. I’m not complaining about a single thing I’ve gotten to have, but you’re gentle with me, but not like you’re going to break me like you respect me and care about me.”

“Roman better be making sure you like what’s going on.”

“He does. Everyone makes sure I’m enjoying myself and I know that I’m not just a sex doll or something, but you … you’re different. A good different. You’re the only oneI’veasked on a date.”

I just stare at her. She looks at the pool and sighs. “I’m sweating like crazy. Time for a dip. Want to join me?”

I nod once and we relax in the pool. I tell her about how I used to swim in high school and how long it took me to be able to enjoy swimming for fun after that. She tells me about how she was terrified of sharks getting her in the deep end until she was thirteen. We just talk and swim.

When she floats on her back, I rub over her thighs until she wraps her legs around me. She smiles lightly. Bella really is something. She knows what she wants in life and doesn’t care what other people think. She respects the six of us, and considers how we feel about things, but isn’t jaded or naïve.

She’s more than a catch, honestly. I pull her up and into my arms as I walk out of the pool. She hums in her throat. “What is it, Matthew? Impatient for more?”

“No, but we have to check out in an hour.”

“Oh. I completely forgot!”

I had too. I just needed an excuse for not wanting to keep looking at her while thinking such ridiculous things. When we check out of the hotel, I see Miles kiss Bella and remind her to be at work tomorrow, bright and early.

That’s it for him. The other guys just wave other than Gunner who hugs her. I wonder if he’s attached already. I get in the car with him and Roman after waving to Bella.

“A good weekend.” Gunner sighs. “I wish it was always like this with girls. I love how insatiable Bella is. How she can handle all of us with no problem. God, she’s a saint.”

I roll my eyes.

“Don’t get attached. It’s a fling. I’m guessing we have two more months, maybe, with this game,” Roman says from the backseat.

“You’re such a party pooper. You say that like you don’t like her!”

“I do. But I know how things like this go. It takes someone unique to handle multiple men for more than three to four months.”

“Like you know everything.” Gunner huffs.

“He’s not wrong,” I chime in. “that’s when feelings get involved, Gunner. Infatuation lasts about three months, then there’s love or the realization that it’s not there.”

He grumbles about us not recognizing a good time all the way back to the house. Although, house is an understatement for our mansion. I can’t wait until we get approval to move to New York. Any time now we’ll be in the big city.

We catch up on a work, which is hectic until Tuesday. I ask Bella to come in and streamline my emails, but once she’s in front of me with the door closed, I remember Roman, Gunner, Miles, and even Nick saying how much fun it is to have her at the office.

She’s gorgeous with minimal makeup, her hair styled, and wearing khaki pants that don’t hide the shape of her legs and a loose white button down over a black undershirt.

“What can I do for you, Matthew?”

I explain the issue and then feel her gently massaging my neck. “I’ll take care of it.”

“This isn’t professional, Bella.”

Her hands pause. “You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that, but I’m big on professionalism in the workplace. I know that’s not how you are with some of the other guys, but for me it’s … it’s important.”

“Okay. I just wanted to help you relax. You’ve gotten more tense since we’ve been back and I’m worried about you.” She removes her hands anyway. “I’ll take care of the emails.”

Just like that she’s gone. Something lurches in my heart like I’ve done the wrong thing and I sigh before getting back to work. At the end of the day, I see Gunner grab Bella’s ass before going home and her flashing a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.

I wait at her car patiently. She’s notjustmine. I have to share. Bella meets my eyes and looks away. “I don’t know what to do with you, Matthew.”

“You mentioned a date.”