Page 27 of Their Sugar Baby

“Getting all protective now?” I tease.

But I see women drooling all over him too. Eager to claim him and lock him down, or at least steal him for a night. Since the only thing I’ve managed to steal is a kiss, I can feel my jealousy increase. Six men for me to enjoy, but I still get pissy about this?

Maybe I am going insane.

“Do you want to go out with me?” I ask, completely shutting down a girl who was close to approaching Matthew.

He considers it for a moment, actually takes the time to think about it, which I don’t know how to react to, then nods. “I would, Bella. I’d like to get to know you better and treat you like a lady.”

“Miles does that plenty. Always ordering for me. Sending me things from online stores.”

“With me, there’s no expectation. Whatever happens, happens. Whatever we feel, we can act on. That way there’s no pressure.”

“Yeah, except the party looming over us.” I sigh. “I’ve never been to some big event like this before.”

“I’ll make sure you fit right in.”

“Will that be a good thing or a bad thing?”

“It’s better than Gunner ‘sampling’ all the alcohol until he feels ‘sick’.” Matthew uses legitimate air quotes and I can’t stop myself from cackling.

As we bring the coffee back to the office, I find myself looking forward to our date and to this weekend. Three days off, technically, and a chance to really get to see all these men outside of the office.

I’ll finally get some time with Matthew, who’s been impossible to pin down, and on top of it, I have a feeling I’ll be able to have Roman right where I want him too.

Matthew offers to take all the coffees when he sees me get nervous about the sheer number of emails I have. “Thank you. Apparently, everyone’s very excited about the party and has a million questions I don’t know the answers to.”

“I can drop these off and come back,” He offers.

“I’m pretty good a bullshitting … but it might be better to give real answers.” I can’t just say I want more time with him. With Matthew, being that obvious and direct is terrifying for some reason. But I’m sure I’m just overthinking it.

I know that all this is temporary. I’m a fling and that’s how I want it … probably.


Ican’t believe she askedmeon a date. So clear and direct. I whistle as I deliver the coffees. Roman notices and arches an eyebrow. It’s almost a whole question from him. I nod once. “I’ll be borrowing Bella before the party tomorrow.”

“Of course. I’ll let Miles know he’ll have to take her tonight if he wants her. I expect we’ll have a lot of fun after the party.”

That cold reminder that she’s not mine and mine alone itches at me, but I push it down. Now’s not the time to get jealous. I haven’t done half of what the others have done with her. And we agreed to share.

I kick that into myself as I sit by her side and walk her through the emails. She wears a good front, but I like this side of her, the vulnerable real one. Where she hesitates with wording, then commits to it a second later after retyping close to the same thing.

“Do I make you nervous, Bella?” I ask.

“No. I just don’t want anything to be unclear in the emails. Miscommunicating is easy when there’s no way to indicate tone,” She murmurs, utterly focused.

“Your dedication is appreciated.”

“By you or the employees in general?”


She faces me and taps my nose. “I figured you could read minds.”

I chuckle and shake my head slightly. “If I could, I’m sure I’d be better at talking to you.”

“You’re plenty good. I guess the other guys have spoiled me giving me so much time. But you are businessmen and partners in an expanding company, so I shouldn’t be so self-conscious.”