Page 24 of Their Sugar Baby

“I don’t know her well enough,” I say simply.

He considers that, not opposed to standing naked in the kitchen. “That’s fair. You should get to know her, man. She’s a good one.”

She might be good for them, but I have reservations. Nothing against Bella at all, but if I don’t know how genuine she is, then it almost doesn’t matter how attractive she is. I can’t say it doesn’t matter at all, because she definitely knocks my socks off and for the last two weeks, she’s made me smile and laugh at work.

I look forward to seeing her in the office. Half because of her sexy ass and half because of the smile she gives me whenever she sees me. Gunner asks me about dinner plans and we go back and forth until Roman finishes. He’s no where near as loud as Gunner.

“I’ll show you where we can clean up,” Roman says.

Bella walks over to me and kisses my shoulder. “Still want to go on that date?”

“He can’t.” Gunner says after reading my face. “Miles is stuck at the office with way too many calls, so Matthew has to head back.”

“Oh.” She actually looks disappointed. “Well, remember there’s a whole life outside of work, okay? People can get stressed and forget all about it. Then they wake up for retirement and it’s too late to hit the bucket list.”

She lets Roman pull her away, but her eyes return to me. Just like Gunner, she has no problem being naked around the house. But considering I know she’s been with Miles too, I wonder how this is going to end.

We’ve shared for a night. Singular. Never multiple. And the longer this goes on, the more feelings that are going to get involved. I pat Gunner’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

“No problem. I’m feeling a little greedy right now anyway. Kind of want her all to myself, to focus on me and just me. Instead of watching Roman while I’m inside her.”

And there’s the first clue that we’re going to have a problem. Luckily, the weekend comes and I get to ignore Bella – related things until she’s back in the house. Miles tells her to wait in the living room and to enjoy herself with barely contained meaning.

I adjust my shirt and actually look at her. Her hair is pinned back and she has on a sexy pink dress. It’s a dusty-rose color and compliments her well. She beams when she sees me. “Matthew!”

“Going out to dinner?”

“Miles asked.” She nods. “Do you want to join? You should! I feel like we haven’t really gotten to talk at all. Not since my first day.”

“I’d like to. But if Miles asked you … his time is valuable and I don’t want to intrude.”

She shakes her head and takes my hand in both of hers. The warmth spreads up my arm. Her eyes widen and she pulls herself closer. “Did I do something wrong, Matthew?”

“No.” I shake my head. “No, not at all.”

“You’re not working on a Sunday, are you?” Her voice gets sharper. “I meant it when I said not to work yourself too hard. You’ll end up sick.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’d miss you around the office. But maybe you should take some time off. Let off some steam. Stress really is a killer.”

I blink at her in surprise. She squeezes my hand. “Come out with us tonight. Just conversation. I promise. I’ll be on my best behavior and everything.”

“Hey now. Good behavior isn’t on the table,” Miles says.

Bella keeps looking at me. I motion. “Go have fun. I’d just be a stick in the mud.”

She pouts slightly, but lets Miles take her out. Her eyes flick back to me and I bite my lip. Nick gives me a long look. He and I are on the most similar wave length. He pats my shoulder. “You deserve to enjoy yourself, Matthew. Nothing serious. It’s all casual with Bella. Let’s enjoy this while it lasts. It’s not forever.”

“I know. I’m just …”

“Something rubbing you wrong?”

“It’s not that either. I can’t … put it into words.” I shake my head. “Maybe I am working myself to death.”

“Good thing we only have a four day week before the party this weekend. Try just talking to Bella. Take her to lunch or something – only if you want to, of course.” Nick encourages. “There are many sides to her, but they’re all genuine.”

I nod. I don’t doubt him. Nick reads people well. I just doubt my ability to avoid forming an attachment. I’ve never done the ‘fling’ thing and honestly, it’s mildly terrifying. Sargent used to say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks … but being able to have a fling with Bella might be something worth figuring out.