Page 19 of Their Sugar Baby


“When I’m at home, all by myself, what are you going to do to stop me?”

I grab her hands and pin them to her desk. I speak right against her lips. “Absolutely nothing. Because I’ll know if you do. You’ll look all guilty when I see you tomorrow and then I’ll just have to keep denying you my cock.”

She whimpers. “Please. I want you so much.”

“Oh, I know you do. But there are six of us you can use to make you come. Choose one if you’re that determined.”

“Apparently, I’ve struck out with two. And I have ten fingers …. You do the math.”

I growl low in my throat. “Masturbate then.”

It’s a challenge and she knows it. She glowers at me and spreads her legs over our arms. When I try to retreat, she holds onto my hands. “Eat me out then.”

I kiss the inside of her knee, then up her thigh. When her hands release me, I cup her chin in my hand, holding my lips a millimeter away. “Like I said, naughty girl, I’m not easy.”

I make myself walk out of her office while thinking of my Nonna back home. Wrinkly, eager to swat me with a wooden spoon, Nonna who has never deemed my pasta good enough. My dick is soft like it should be when I walk out. Nick arches his eyebrow at me. “The timing – impeccable.”

“What?” My voice comes out gruff.

Nick glances at Bella’s door. “Sasha has complained about Bella’s wardrobe.”

“Please, feel free to let her know. If I go back in there, she’ll be wearing my handprint on her ass for the next few days.”

Nick chuckles. “Trying your patience?”

“Nothing submissive about that one unless she’s already getting what she wants. Maybe you can convince her to behave.” I pat his shoulder. “Good luck.”

“I don’t need luck based on that.”

I chuckle and head to my own office. I close my eyes for a moment. Bella is frustrating. Demanding yes, but she knows all the right buttons to push. I want to tie her up, spank her, edge her for thirty minutes at least, then fuck her until she’s come more than she ever has in her life. I bet I could get her over the edge at least four times before I come.

I’ll have to add that to my plan. But for that, I need her outside of the office. Perhaps tomorrow I can take advantage. But only making her wait twenty-four hours when I’m sure she’s going to break a rule and test her poker face …

I look down at my dick. “Do we make her wait or take what we want?”

We’ll have to see if she’s capable of behaving.


I’m so frustrated with Roman. He has me climbing the walls. I swear, I’m just going to walk into his office completely naked to see what he does if he doesn’t give soon. I’ve never wanted to impress someone or earn someone like I do him.

But Matthew is confusing. The fact that he’s so determined to do things the right way – to take me to dinner before giving me more than a soft kiss makes me crazy. My ex wasn’t like that.

I narrow my eyes as I think of that asshole. For some reason, just the thought of him makes me feel dirty. I do up nearly all my buttons and shake my head. He never wanted a girlfriend. He wanted wifey material.

Of course. He never said it like that. We had sex on our first date and he was eager to get out of the restaurant and give me his ‘dessert’ as soon as possible. I’d been horny from the start and hadn’t seen the harm. But once we hit the four-month mark, his expectations changed. He wanted me to be the fifties-style housewife. He thought I’d just give up on my goals and help him get his.

That I’d just stop working and pack his lunches, clean his house, and do his laundry. I scoffed at the idea. But I’d done some here and there. I’d made dinner for us twice a week. I folded his laundry when he did it. I tried to be a good girlfriend.

Then the sex started slowing down. Zack had been so good in bed. But I stopped feeling good enough. He’d told me he wasn’t interested in ‘slutty’ clothing even though he’d complimented the same clothes before.

All of a sudden, he told me to forget Valentine's day plans and dumped me. In the two days that it took for Valentine's day to roll around, he already had another girl on his arm. A pretty blonde that was all demure and sweet.

Within two months they were engaged and they had a quickie wedding at six months. I’d waited for baby news, but apparently, it was just ‘great timing’ and ‘love’.

I scoff at the idea even now. He was just determined to get married. That’s what it was. But before coming to this office, I was worried I’d only be the girl that comes before the ‘forever girl’.