Page 11 of Their Sugar Baby

“Which position would that be?”

I smirk. “Whichever position is suitable for work. Meaning you don’t get caught by the employees, of course.”

Roman chuckles and stands. He adjusts his suit as if it’s ever out of place and walks to the door of my office before pausing. He clears his throat. “I’m not going to pass up a sexy woman who wants me … I just worry about how this will end. Feelings are not slaves to reason. They come and go easily and I would hate for anyone to misunderstand that.”

“And I’d hate for anyone to get hurt,” I agree. “So if we see any of the guys slipping, we’ll remind them that she’s all of ours and that this is a fling. Nothing more.”

“Of course. You and I will check each other.”

“And the others,” I agree. “No man left behind, no man left out in the danger zone without backup.”

Roman nods and walks out of my office to go teach Bella something or other. I blink at my desk, remembering what it was like in combat for half a second before pulling myself back. That was a different me from a different time. Combat is a different world from the corporate offices and the enjoyment of being in Arizona.

One thing’s for sure: we’re not going to go to war with each other over a pretty face and nice ass. Bella will only be in our lives as long as she doesn’t kickstart an issue. Something I’m sure Roman will make very clear … if he doesn’t, the rest of us will. We were friends before her, and we will remain friends and brothers after her.


When I walk in, I see Bella on the computer. She keeps only half the lights on in her office for some reason, but when I close the door and click the button for the privacy screen, she looks up and I see her throat tighten.


“Be careful with how you touch Matthew in front of others. Rumors spread quickly.”

“Of course. I only told him a joke. You can ask. I’m capable of being professional,” She says seriously. “And your timing is perfect. Two different teams would like your attention at the same time tomorrow and I’m not sure how to prioritize them. Would you mind taking a look?”

I incline my head once and walk over to her, standing behind her chair. I bend down to look at the screen and see that the products development team wants a thirty-minute meeting while a potential investor in Singapore wants the same slot. I rub my jaw.

“The products development team can speak to Gunner. He’s more familiar with the latest developments.”

“Okay. Simple enough then.” She codes the meetings accordingly.

It should be that simple, but it’s harder to make myself move away from Bella. She smells like vanilla and something else, something that makes my mouth water. And letting my eyes drop down, gives me a view of her breasts that make me want to touch them.

She swallows. “Roman?”

“You do understand that we’re going to share you, don’t you?”

“I thought this would be an off-limits area since you all work here. Was I incorrect?”

“Yes.” I stroke up her sides, then cup her breasts. She gasps, but her body arches into my hands. Of course, it does. Women are predictable like that. I circle the hard peaks of her nipples through her shirt. “Are you going to complain about this later?”

“No.” Her head falls back. “That feels good.”

“Miles told me the agreement from lunch,” I say against her neck.

“I was sure you knew before lunch even started. You seem like a man who knows everything,” She moans as I undo another button and stroke along the top curve of her breast. Her bra barely covers her pretty pink nipples. “Who knows what he wants.”

“I do. And I take what I want. Work to get it.”

She moans and I see her squirm as she tries to get my hands where she wants them. I kiss her throat, licking over her pulse. Bella lets out a ragged breath.

“Roman, please.”

I slip one hand into her bra to fondle her breast, squeezing, rubbing my palm over her hard nipple, then finally giving her the attention she wants. I pinch and roll her nipple between my fingers and she moans softly.

“What are you asking me for, Bella? I came here with punishment on my mind. A way for you to learn that it’s not okay tostrokeMatthew in public.”

“I didn’t stroke,” She groans.