Page 1 of Their Sugar Baby


Ibrush my fingers through my dark hair and check myself out in the mirror again. I look professional, but that doesn’t mean I have to look bad. My grey pencil skirt hugs my hips and the pink silk button up I have on doesn’t hide my curves. All though, I don’t think anything could. A perk of having a classic hourglass figure.

Mom always said I should have become a model instead of bothering with the corporate world, but I know what makes for a better retirement and I know that I’d rather have more control over my life than models get – something I learned quickly in high school when Mom insisted I audition for a company.

I snort at the memory and slide into heels.

Her voice in the back of my head reminding me that women move up in the world based on how they play the system won’t quiet, even as I check my resume and dab a sweet pink lipstick over my lips.

Working at Langston Components will be a hell of an experience. And if more happens, then it happens, but I’m going to be in control of my future and my life. Period. Mom can just talk herself blue in the face.

When I arrive at the office, I hear plenty going on, but the blonde woman at the front of the office narrows her eyes at me. “Can I help you?”

“Hi. I’m Bella Schneider. I have an interview with …. Miss Janet Crown in fifteen minutes.”

She sighs heavily and motions for me to go sit with one of her long manicured nails. I take a seat, crossing my ankles, and make sure my phone is on silent as she speaks with someone in a much more chipper voice.

“Someone will be with you shortly.” She says, now wearing a smile.

She touches up her mascara and smiles brightly as an older man comes through the door. Older, sure, but gorgeous, even if he’s slightly annoyed. The woman at the counter is clearly smitten. Not that I can blame her.

His thick brown hair is going a little gray, but in the way that says he’s definitely lived, not just sat around waiting for life to come to him. He has a thick barrel chest, but I have no doubt he’s straight muscle. He’s rugged, sexy, and when he looks me over with a heated look, I feel his gaze like a caress.

Holy crap.

I fight the urge to fan my face. If nothing else, I can prove that I’m composed. I know how to fake it. Standing, I walk to him and offer my hand. “Hello. I’m Bella Schneider.”

“Bella.” He savors my name like it’s a fine wine. “How lovely to meet you. I’m Mr. Langston. Join me in our conference room.”

I follow him into a room and sit down at the end of the table. I expect him to sit at the other end, despite it being so long, but instead, he pulls out a chair close to me, just on the other side of the corner.

He’s so big, he takes up the whole thing and already, I’m picturing his hands on my body, stroking, teasing, caressing. I nibble my bottom lip, remember I put on lipstick, and make myself stop.

Mr. Langston is a potential boss and he has to be at least double my age. I’m not going to embarrass myself like that other woman. Even when he smiles slightly and I feel my heart stutter. No. I’m here for a job not … a one-night stand.

I lean forward to consult my resume and hear him make a pleased sound. Fuck. I left two buttons undone out of habit. Which means he can definitely see right down my shirt.

“So, Bella, what drew your attention to my company?”

I take a sobering breath and meet his eyes as I lean back in the chair. “I know that you’ve just expanded and no company in a questionable situation would. You and your partners are well aware of what needs to be done in today’s market and I’d like to learn all I can about how you have made such a profitable company by working from the ground up.”

I offer my resume, seeing he doesn’t have it. “I have years of experience in customer service and management. While I haven’t always worked in the corporate world, I think that means I can bring a different kind of perspective to the job.”

“A personal touch,” He says, eyes flicking back to me as the corner of his mouth pulls up in a sexy smile. “Interesting. And you know you’d be working directly below me?”

“Below you,” I whisper, then catch myself. “Yes. Yes. I’d be working for you and your partners, organizing meetings, taking calls, fielding emails.”

“Seeing to any of our … needs, when they arise.”

Why does that sound so dirty when he says it? Almost aggressively dirty. I twirl my hair around my finger.

“Of course. My job is to keep you able to work without a problem and satisfied.”

“I’m sure you are more than capable of keeping me satisfied, Bella,” He says. “In fact, at the moment, I can’t find fault with you.”

“Well, if you’re asking for my weaknesses, that will be a challenge. I work on myself constantly, whenever I notice something needs improving, I do it. I’m a very … ambitious person and I’m willing to put in the work. However, I can be very direct.”

“Do you prefer people to be direct with you?”