Nash followed her gaze through the crowd of costumed people until he spotted Grayson in the solid black outfit and mask. He did look like Zorro, and Nash had every intention of verbally dueling with him before the night was out.
“So where’s your date?” Deirdre asked. “After you made such a fuss about her Juliet gown being perfect, I’d like to see it on.” Nash would’ve told her that he wasn’t Grayson if someone in the crowd hadn’t distracted her. “Finally,” she said. “I had started to think the man wasn’t coming.”
Nash turned to find a man in full armor standing not more than ten feet away, trying to adjust the visor of the helmet. The costume looked extremely uncomfortable, but cool as hell. “Who is that?” Nash asked.
Deirdre patted his arm. “That, my dear Romeo, would be my date, Lancelot.”
“Lancelot? I thought Guinevere’s husband was King Arthur.”
“You obviously don’t know the story of Camelot. King Arthur might’ve been my husband, but Lancelot has always been my one true love.” She smiled slyly. “Even if he doesn’t realize it yet. Now if you’ll excuse me?” She swept away, but surprisingly, not in the direction of Lancelot.
“So what has Mother in such a hurry?” Olivia walked up with Deacon. Nash had to admit that they made a perfect couple. It wasn’t the sheik and harem-girl costumes as much as their smiles of contentment whenever they glanced at each other. Nash didn’t feel nearly as content as he searched the crowd for a purple senorita costume.
“So I’m going to assume by the scowl on your face that Grayson shanghaied your costume, Nash,” Deacon said.
“What?” Olivia leaned closer. “Oh my gosh, it is you, Nash.” She glanced over her shoulder. “So Grayson is Lothario? I thought there was something different about you… him.” She giggled. “What fun. I would love to be able to change places with someone for one night.”
“Really?” Deacon sent her a pointed look. “And just who would you like to change places with?”
Olivia took only a second to think. “You’re right. There’s not one person in the whole wide world I’d rather be, my sheik.” She rose up on the toes of her satin slippers and kissed him. “Now would you mind finding me something to eat? I’m starving, and all the waiters seem to have is champagne.”
“As my harem girl, I think you’re supposed to be waiting on me.”
She sent him a sultry smile. “Which is exactly what I intend to do… later tonight in our reserved room of the sultan tent.”
Nash had seen the huge tent that was set up in one corner of the ballroom, and had wondered what its purpose was. Obviously, for Deacon and Olivia to play sex slave.
“That might just make this costume worthwhile,” Deacon said. In a swirl of robes, he headed for the buffet table.
Once he was gone, Olivia moved closer. “So have you seen Doug? Do you think he’ll show up?”
Nash didn’t care if Doug showed up. The only person he cared about showing up was Eden. And it was starting to look like that wasn’t going to happen.
Misreading his thoughts, Olivia patted his arm. “It’s not your fault if Doug doesn’t come, Nash. Of course, he might be here, and we just don’t know it. Mom insisted on picking his and Samuel’s couples’ costumes. While she bullied Samuel into accepting the offer, Doug refused. He said that he had the perfect one in mind. I can only hope that it’s not as inappropriate as the Huckabees’.”
That got Nash’s attention. “You invited the Huckabees?”
“Actually, I think Grayson invited them and their granddaughter.”
It figured that Grayson would want to make sure Eden came to the ball. No doubt, he was trying to do a little matchmaking. Which meant that maybe Eden had decided to come with her grandparents instead of him. Nash glanced around until he found the Huckabees. They weren’t naked, but they were close. Doris wore a long blond wig and a beige-colored leotard with one strategically placed fig leaf. Hammond wore a beige Speedo swimsuit with a matching leaf. Unfortunately, Eden wasn’t with them. Just a woman in a gold princess costume. And as much as he had no business asking the Huckabees where Eden was—especially after she’d given him the cold shoulder—that was exactly what he intended to do.
“I think I’ll go say ‘hi,’” he said to Olivia.
“But what about Doug?”
“Doug?” Deacon walked up with a plate of food. “Who is Doug?”
Nash left Olivia to explain as he weaved his way through the throng of costumed partygoers. But before he reached the Huckabees, he ran into Grayson.
“Hey, Romeo,” Grayson greeted him with a smirk a mile wide. “Lookin’ good.”
“You want your ass kicking now? Or later?” Nash asked.
Grayson laughed. “I don’t know what you’re pissed about. You look great in that girlie shirt. Of course, the jeans look ridiculous. Deirdre was right; panty hose make the outfit.” When Nash went to grab him, he sidestepped out of the way. “Now remember Olivia’s mother, big brother. She’d be upset if you ruined her party with a fight. Besides, I thought you wouldn’t be too pissed when Eden showed up as Juliet.”
“Haven’t you seen her? She’s standing right over there with her grandparents.” Grayson nodded in the direction of the Huckabees.