Elise’s stomach tightened. A soft, horrible laugh escaped Matt’s throat. It reminded Elise of a horror movie.

“You really think you’ve found some kind of chick-flick, rom-com life, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

Matt stepped back. He looked like he was about to laugh himself to death.

“I always knew you were creative, but I didn’t know you were delusional,” he said.

Elise’s nostrils flared. “What the hell does that mean?”

“All I have to say is this,” Matt said. He shoved his hands tightly into his jacket and beamed at Elise. “If you think you’re going to spend the rest of your life with that guy who owns the coffee shop—then good luck to you. I think you’ve dug your own grave.”

Matt cut around swiftly before Elise could find the words to answer. In just a few seconds, he slipped through the door and disappeared. The door slammed closed, and Elise remained cold and alone on the street, completely dumbfounded by his words.

Wayne hardly cared about her. Now, she’d shoved Matt as far away from her as she could.

Love was maybe a young woman's game.

It had nothing to do with her.

It had only created a mess.