She was on the verge of seeing her father for the first time.

In her forty-two years, she had never been allowed this reality.

Now, she faced it head-on.

And, if she was honest about it, the concept panicked her so greatly that she wanted to yank on the reins of the horse, duck around, and race to the far end of the island.

The horse seemed to sense how afraid she was. Darla stalled slightly and bucked her hooves against the pavement. Elise bowed her head forward.

“Elise? Hey? You okay?”

Elise blinked up blearily to find Wayne. He had turned his horse to stand alongside hers, but backward. He reached out one of his large hands and wrapped it around her wrist.

How was it possible that he was her only friend in this strange world?

“Why do you want to help me?” Elise whispered.

Wayne didn’t let go of her wrist. His expression didn’t change.

“Because I don’t think men like Alex Swartz should get away with treating people like things. Alex Swartz has always gotten everything he’s ever wanted.”

“Then, this is a personal thing for you,” Elise said.

“No. I’ve never had any real beef with Alex,” Wayne said. “Until now.”

“Until now.”

Elise squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted to wish this all away.

“Are there any others?” Elise asked softly.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, do I have other brothers and sisters? Besides this horrible man.”

Wayne didn’t answer right away. This seemed like proof.

“So, I do.”

“I guess so. If all of this is real. You have two sisters.”

“Jesus.” Elise closed her eyes again. “And they’re all here? On the island?”


“I really walked into a mess, didn’t I?”

Wayne laughed. “You really did.”

“They’re all going to hate me, aren’t they?”

Wayne didn’t answer. His hand released Elise’s wrist, leaving it cold.

“I guess you have to ask yourself what it is you want from all of this,” he said.

Elise nodded. “I’ve asked myself that a lot. I haven’t been able to answer it yet. But here I am. Just a few minutes away from where he’s lived for years.”

“Decades,” Wayne corrected.