She wasn’t sure.

She turned several pages forward and read a bit more.

He took me out to Arch Rock last night. It’s lucky for me that Jane is so kind about it. I think other personal assistants have to tether themselves to their bosses, but Jane likes to be left alone, as well. Plus, she continues to say that she thinks Dean and I have “the kind of chemistry you can’t ignore.”

Arch Rock is beautiful, and if you go at a particular time of night (or morning, as I’ve discovered), not a single soul is in sight.

Up there, Dean wrapped his arms around me and held me against him and whispered to me that someday soon, we would find a way to be together.

Oh, but how complicated it all is.

I don’t suppose that when I left California, I knew what I was getting into.

I’ve had flings before. Of course, I have. I’m twenty-four years old.

This doesn’t feel like any of those.

And yet, there’s this enormous barricade between us and happiness.

Elise furrowed her brow. What kind of barricade was this?

Elise blinked at the clock. It was already nearly ten-thirty, a bit later than she ordinarily liked to go to bed at. Slowly, she closed the diary and brought the still mostly-full wine bottle inside. After she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she fell between the sheets of the bed, which creaked a lot more than she liked, and fell fast asleep.

Tomorrow, she would make her way to Arch Rock. Tomorrow, she would begin to plot her mother’s course across the island. And tomorrow, she would attempt to dig into the mystery of Allison and Dean, the relationship that had changed all of their lives forever.