Changing positions, I try to take a nap, but it’s no use. I’m too restless, too wound up to sleep. I roll over on my side and stare at the dresser, tears trickling down my cheeks onto the pillow.
And that’s when my phone starts vibrating.
Wiping the damp hair from my face, I fish the phone out from the side of the bed. Suspiciously, I scan the caller ID and see an unknown number calling.
Who the hell is this?
Tentatively, I answer. “Hello?”
“Carly, it’s Nick Craven.”
Holy shit!
Hearing his voice so unexpectedly ignites an explosion of fireworks inside me.
“Carly, are you there?”
“Y-yes, Nick, I’m here.” My throat has gone all dry.
“Tara told me you don’t want to continue with your treatment. May I ask why?”
“Um, there were unforeseen circumstances.”
“Such as?”
His directness catches me off-guard, and I’m momentarily speechless. “I just, that is …”
“Is it for financial reasons?”
I hesitate then admit quietly, “Yes.”
“I thought so. Now listen, I think we can come to an arrangement.”
My heart soars. “W-what sort of arrangement?”
“In June, I’ll be attending a hypnotherapy convention in Toronto. In the lead up, I plan to write a paper about the effects of hypnosis on smokers, and I will present my findings to the National Healthcare Trust. With your consent, I’d be happy to waive my fee if you’d agree to be my case study.”
“You mean you’ll treat me for free?”
I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. “Wow, I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes.”
“All right,yes. A thousand times, yes! And thank you. Your kindness is overwhelming.”
His silky-sweet chuckle flutters through every one of my nerve endings. “So, I’ll see you this Friday, as arranged?”
“Yes. I’ll be there.”
He hangs up and for a moment, I’m shocked into silence.
Did that really happen?
Caramel Latte