“He has your eyes,” he says, and I nod. He looks a lot like Rex, but he did get my blue eyes.

Matthan reaches out and grabs Rex’s nose, and my heart skips when I see an actual smile on his face.

“You mentioned lunch?” Rex looks at me and hands me our son before rushing out of the office and to the kitchen. I hold Matthan closer and whisper in his ear.

“Baby steps, my little prince.” He grabs my hair and starts to chew on a strand. “Oh yucky, baby boy,” I gently scold, and his little lip wobbles. Shit. I can not have him crying right now. I walk us to the kitchen and place him in the baby seat I stole from Rex’s baby stash, then give Matthan some baby puffs. I know he was pissed when he saw me using it, but he hasn’t said anything yet.

We have a nice lunch, and Rex even acknowledges Matthan. Everything is going well, until Nicole storms in and starts accusing me of stealing her man. Matthan starts to scream, and Rex gets anxious. He starts to pace, then smacks himself in the head a few times. I grab the baby, but Rex comes over and takes him, cradling him to his chest. Matthan instantly calms, and I watch in awe.

He whispers something in his ear, then looks at me. He has an odd look on his face, but he seems happy. I knew if he would just hold his son everything would be okay. Nicole tries to smack me in the face, and I hold my arm up to stop her. I’m sick of her slapping me. Sister or not, this shit is going to stop.

Rex turns away from us and walks out of the room. I let him go because Matthan doesn’t need to see this.

“Nicole, that is enough!” I snap, and she freezes. Her face gets red, and she looks like she’s about to attack me.

“How many times do I need to tell you? My name is not Nicole,” she roars, and I flinch.

“I know you can’t remember, but you are Nicole. My little sister, who I love so much and miss. You were supposed to go to Italy and do some modeling work, but you got in a bad accident…” I trail off as Rex storms into the kitchen.

He’s panting and looks on the verge of a breakdown. “He called me “Dada,” he gasps and tears fill my eyes. I knew it would happen soon, and I’m happy Rex was here to hear it.

“That’s amazing, Rexley,” I coo and try to take my baby back, but he won’t let go.

“No, Kitty, this is wrong. Everything about this is wrong. We need some air. I’m taking the baby for a walk.” He moves out the side door, and I watch as he walks down to the water.

“I told Rex that I was a model. He told me I was wrong,” Nicole whispers from behind me, and I spin to face her once more. All the color has left her face, and she looks like she may pass out.

“You were amazing. I always wished I could be like you and travel the world, wear the best outfits.” She moves over to the hall, and I follow.

Could this really be it? Am I about to have a break through with my sister, on the day Rex is being a father to our son? Is it possible that my luck is finally changing?

* * *

I peekout the living room window again. They have been gone for two hours now, and my boobs hurt. He needs to eat. Where the fuck did Rex take him? Nicole watches me as I start to pace again, but she rolls her eyes and keeps making some lopsided knitted sweater. It's an awful pink color, and she claims it’s for my daughter.

I told her I wasn’t pregnant, but she just laughed. Whatever, after our talk we seem to be on better terms. She still doesn’t remember anything, but I think I have her convinced she’s my sister.

The front door unlocks, and I rush to meet them. Rex walks in soaking wet, alone. I move to look behind him, but no one is there.

“Rexley, where is the baby?” I ask him softly. I don’t want to panic yet and set him off. He sighs and moves farther inside, ignoring me. He seems exhausted, and that worries me. I storm up to him and get into his face.

“Where the hell is my baby? You may be his father, Rexley Scott, but he is only six months old. You can’t just leave him outside. He’s crawling now.” Rex shoves me aside and starts to strip off his clothes. He has seaweed in his hair, and I am getting more and more nervous as he ignores me.

“Rexley!” I scream, and he finally faces me. He has a dead look in his eyes. “Where is Matthan? Where is my baby? Tell me?” I cry and cling onto his shoulders. “Please, just tell me. Tell me he’s okay.” I fall to my knees and cling to his stomach. Why is he being so cruel? Can’t he just tell me where our son is?

“It was time, Kitty. I had to fix things,” he whispers and touches my cheek. I jolt back away from him in horror.

“What the fuck does that mean? Rex, where is the baby?” I ask in a shaky voice as he turns his lifeless green eyes to me again. He looks over my shoulder at the open front door, where the blue ocean is and smiles.

“I finally got the brat to shut up. Now we can start over.”

“What do you mean? Rexley! Where is my baby? Where is my little boy?” I scream, but he ignores me and walks away, whistling a tune that sounds familiar to me. I glance out at the boat just bobbing in the waves. Did he leave him on the boat? I take a few steps outside and grip the railing, before sitting down on the step.

My breaths are coming too fast, and I’m on the verge of blacking out. What did he do? Where is my baby? I climb to my feet and freeze when I finally recognize the tune.

Under The Sea,fromThe Little Mermaid.

No, no! He wouldn’t!

* * *