Iget back to Cali and start planning my move to New York. My dad doesn’t think I should wait and has offered to pay for a small place for the summer. Lorna and Nick were all for that and offered to chip in, so we found a cute little house on the water in a small town called Amber. It’s beautiful there, and I can’t wait to wake up to the birds singing and drink my coffee on the big porch.

“There you are, did you email the agent and get the papers taken care of?” I ask my dad, and he nods, giving me a big smile.

“I did, and she even gave us a great military discount. Only catch is I have to stay with you for the first few days, then she’s leaving town and won’t know that I left the place unattended with a bunch of eighteen year olds.” I roll my eyes but nod. I mean if that’s the only issue I can live with it.

“I can’t believe we’re leaving,” I whisper, starting to tear up. This place wasn’t perfect, but it was home for the last five years, and it’s the last place I saw my sister and nana alive and talking. My dad moves closer and pulls me into his arms.

“Growing up is hard for everyone. But for you, Cat, you have been through hell and back, but you’re stronger because of it, and you make me so proud.” I give him one more squeeze, then rush to my room and start packing. We decided only to take a few things. The military will send someone to box up everything else and move it to my dad’s new base, then my dad will drive my things down to the dorms.

* * *

“Okay,I think I have all the essentials,” I tell my dad later that night. I’m headed to pick up Lorna and Nick, then we are going on a road trip. I didn't feel like flying again, and this way my dad can finish up what he needs to do here and meet us at the house in New York.

He helps me load up my bags in the SUV we rented for the trip, then passes me some cash. I give him a huge hug, take one more glance at the house, making a silent promise to never return, then take off.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I hope it’s better than the past.


I watchher leave and fight not to follow. She really thinks she can leave me? That I would just let her run away? Yeah, that’s not happening. Her father walks back inside, and I call my friend JJ. He owes me a huge favor, and I know he will keep his mouth shut.

“Yo,”he answers, and I sneer. Is that how people really answer the fucking phone?

“Yeah, I’m ready to get this shit moved. Can you meet me at the address I sent you in ten minutes? There is something I need to do first.”

“You got the cash, we’ll be there.”The call ends, and I grab my rope, syringe, and gun. This has been a long time coming, and I am practically shaking with how excited I am. After tonight, Cat won’t have anyone to take her away from me.

* * *

I watchJJ load the last box on the truck and take off. Waiting another twenty minutes, I look at all the photos of Cat and me on my phone. “I’ll see you soon, Kitty,” I tell the smiling faces, then open my door and get to work.

It doesn’t take long until the whole house smells of gas, and all I need to do is light the match. Making my way outside I give Cat’s dad a pat on the shoulder in goodbye, then walk out the door. It’s too bad he had to be such a prick. He would have made a great grandpa.

I light a few of Cat’s candles, then toss them inside before shutting the door. I don’t bother waiting to watch the oil ignite.

When I reach my car, I call Cat and leave her a message. I wait for her to call me back, but it never comes. Firetrucks fly by me, and I start to laugh. Stupid fucks. They are way too late.




Matthan will not calm down, and I know Rex is getting pissed. But I mean, can you blame him? He sees his dad every day. The man who would talk to my tummy for hours. He knows his father, and the fact that he won’t hold him or acknowledge him, has his little six-month-old heart breaking. He also wants to crawl everywhere, but I won't let him.

Nicole had a fit the other day when he touched her yarn. I thought she was going to hit him. She has been getting snarkier and snarkier lately. I don’t know what is going on between her and Rex, but they are not acting like they love each other anymore.

I pace outside his door for a few, then knock against the wood. “Come in,” he calls out, and I turn the knob to his office and enter. Matthan starts to babble, and I swear one of these days he’s going to say, “dada,” he’s been getting close. Rex looks at me with a smile, but then frowns when he sees our son.

“Hi,” I say, and he smiles again. He seems to be in a pretty good mood lately, and I’m hoping it sticks.

“What’s up?” he asks me, and I take a step closer.

“We were wondering if you wanted to have lunch with us? I made some brownies for dessert, too.” I take a breath in and wait for his rejection. He looks shocked at my offer, but nods. Standing up, he moves closer to me. Matthan reaches his little hands out to be picked up by him, and he scowls.

“Would it kill you to just hold him?” I snap, then groan. Shit! My temper is really going to cause us issues sometime. Rex glares at me, but nods and steps closer. His hands shake, but he takes him from me, bringing him closer to his face to really look at him.