I get backto the dorm room we’re staying at this weekend after the party with Lorna. I can’t believe she got into NYU. I’m happy for her, but I’m also sad. I never even considered New York as an option, and I was hoping maybe she would come here with me. I slip my shoes off and pull my dress over my head. I don’t bother changing into clothes and just climb into bed. My head is fuzzy, and I know I am going to regret that last drink in the morning.

The mattress dips, and my warm blankets are pulled away from me. I try to open my eyes, but they are glued shut. Ugh, how much did I drink at that party last night? Soft panting hits my ears, and I cringe. Seriously is Lorna having sex in the same room as me right now? Someone runs their fingers through my hair and kisses my neck. Oh, that feels good. If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up. I groan and arch my back from the sensation.

“I’ve missed you, Kitty,” someone growls, and it has my body lighting on fire. I try to speak, but my mouth isn’t cooperating. All I can do is whimper and moan. Is this a dream? It feels too real. Too familiar.

“You should have never left me. I didn’t want to do it, but you didn’t give me a choice,” the voice continues to say.

What? Do what?


I watchher as she drinks and dances with her friend and my traitorous best friend. Yeah, the supposed guy I grew up with. Who always had my back. Is now besties with my girl, and left me out in the cold. If I didn’t love him like a brother, I would make him a cement grave, right beside all the other bitches who betrayed me.

A tall kid comes up to the group and starts chatting with them. I recognize him from earlier. He gave them a tour of the campus. I can admit I never thought New York would be the place to move, but it has its advantages. One being all the trees. So many easy hiding spots for me to stalk my prey.

She’s been a naughty Kitty and needs to be punished. I watch as he starts to dance with Lorna, and Cat slips away for a drink. I send her a message only to be denied again. When will she learn that she’s mine? We may be on a little break, but the fact of the matter is that won’t change. Ever!

My heart starts racing, and my palms begin to sweat. I need to see her, touch her, kiss her. I miss her, and watching from the shadows isn’t cutting it anymore. She sets her drink on the counter, then turns away, talking to someone. I make my move, then slip back around the corner. I’m sorry, Kitty, but there isn’t any other way.

* * *

I waitfor her to go back to the place she’s staying. Lorna and Nick stayed back at the party, so I know we will be alone. It doesn’t take her long to fall asleep, and I move closer to her. I just want to hold her. That’s it. I miss feeling her. She groans and arches her back, causing my dick to hardens.

Fuck, why did she have to go and do that? Doesn’t she see I’m standing on the edge of insanity? It’s like she wants me to fuck her while she’s asleep.

I slowly move her blanket off her body and bite my fist to hide my groan. She’s in nothing but a black lace bra and thong. Did she know I would be here tonight? Did she wear this just for me?

I run my fingers through her hair, and she moans again. Her legs twitch as if she’s trying to get friction between her thighs, and a swipe of my finger shows she’s dripping for me. I press my thumb to her clit, and she whimpers.

“I’ve missed you, Kitty,” I whisper, and she sighs, relaxing more into my touch. “Do you like this baby?” I growl into her ear, and she shifts again. I know she’s trying to wake up, and I wish she would, but the small dose of GHB I gave her will keep her pliant, and she won’t remember anything.

I shift down to my knees and kiss her stomach, then her thong. Trailing my tongue along the soaked fabric, I growl against her clit. She whimpers again, and I move the material to the side, licking a path to her dripping slit.

“You taste so good, baby,” I coo and slip a finger inside, gathering up her cream so I can rub myself with it. I pull my shorts down and grip my weeping cock, giving it a few tugs until my balls tingle, and I know I’m about to cum. I slip my dick inside her wet, tight heat and fill her full of my seed.

She may not want another baby, but I do, and now we’re one step closer. Talking in the hall brings me back to what I’m supposed to be doing, and I quickly pull out and get dressed. I fix her thong and toss the blankets on top of her half naked body, then hide in the closet.

Lorna comes stumbling in with that guy from the party and whispers for him to be quiet. I wait until they are fucking to slip out. I check the hall, then move back into the shadows of the stairs.

It’s time to get back to Cali and start part two of my plan.




Iget back from walking the dog, and the sound of a baby screaming is the first thing I hear. Nicole is in the living room watching TV and knitting something. I leave her alone and turn to walk away.

“That baby won’t stop crying. I think it’s broken. You should take it somewhere. Fix it,” she says to my back. I groan and glance up at the picture frame hanging over the fireplace. It’s empty. It’s supposed to hold a photo of my family with Cat. Her holding our princess with me, wrapping an arm around them both. But it sits there on the wall, taunting me with what has yet to happen.

“Hey, do you think maybe I could take a walk outside? Bizzy is getting restless, and I could use the exercise too.” Cat asks me. I turn and watch her bounce the kid on her hip.

“Yeah, I just walked the dog, but I could use another walk.” I open the door and let her walk ahead of me. I wait until she’s a few steps away, then follow. Nicole mutters something under her breath, and I roll my eyes. I think I need to make a trip back to the hospital soon. She has served her purpose, so she can go now. It’s time for me and Cat to become a family. Just need to get rid of the little brat first.