“Rexley, can’t you see. There is no us. Not anymore. Not ever again. What we have is toxic. This relationship is killing me. I love you. For some reason, even with all the shit you have put me through, I still fucking love you. But if we stay together, you will kill me.”

He looks at me with horror and shakes his head as he leaves my room.

“You’re wrong, Cat Baker. You are mine, and I will fix this.” The door slams behind him, and I lie back down on the bed. He’s wrong. He can’t fix this.

* * *

“How are you?”Lorna asks me as she flips through a magazine. I shrug and lie back on my pool lounger. The weather today is nice. I fix my purple bikini top and sigh.

“I have been better, that’s for sure, but I think I am slowly healing. It doesn’t help that Rex is constantly calling or sending me things, though.”

She puts the magazine down and gives me a hard look.

“Do you think you will ever forgive him? He knows he fucked everything up. And trust me I am on team Cat here… But he did save your life, and I can see that he’s trying.” I stare her down and can feel my anger rising.

“He caused me to miscarry our baby Lorna! He didn’t just hit me, he beat me. Then he attacked me again at that party. He needs serious help. Do I love him? Will I always love him? Yes, but he has some serious work to do to fix himself. A few therapist appointments won’t cut it.”

She lies back down and lets the sun bake her, while I think. I need to get out of here. Away. This place is only messing with my head more.

* * *

“So what schoolsare you looking into?” my dad asks me the next morning at breakfast. I shrug and open the folder beside me, showing him a few pamphlets I have been considering. I take another bite of the plain toast as he reads through them.

“Cat, these are great schools, but they are also far away. Is this really what you want?” I sigh and take a sip of my orange juice.

“If you had asked me that before I would have said no…but now, yeah. I think you guys were right. I need to get away from here. From Rex.” I wipe away a falling tear, and he gives me a look of pity.

“I know this is hard, Cat, but it is for the best. That boy has caused you too much heartache and pain. He needs help. You did the right thing. I’ll make some calls, see if any of my contacts can get you a tour. What campus are you looking into most?” I flip through and pull out the one for New York. It’s on the other side of the world basically and perfect.

“I know it’s not NYU, but Syracuse University appeals to me.” He gives me a nod, then walks away.

I knew leaving him would hurt, especially since we have gotten closer the last few weeks.

“Cat, I’m proud of you sweetheart, and I can visit. There is a base close by, maybe I could be transferred.” I give him a smile and nod. I think that’s a great idea. We both need a change of scenery.

* * *

“Girl,this place is amazing. Maybe I should apply too?” Lorna tells me as she and Nick follow me around the campus. I have to admit I’m liking Syracuse a lot more than I had expected to. Nick whines, and I glance his way.

“That’s not fair. Why did I decide to stay in Cali?” I laugh, and he gives me a wink. Rian comes up to our little group and hands us a map of the school.

“This campus is beautiful,” I gush to Rian, the guy assigned to show me around this weekend. My phone buzzes again, and I groan.

“Someone must really want your attention,” he comments, and I shake my head.

“It’s not important. I’m excited to see everything this place has to offer.” He gives me a big smile at that remark.

“Well, I’m not supposed to mention this, especially to the students I’m in charge of, but there is a kick ass party at my fraternity tonight. You guys should come.” Before I can turn him down, Lorna is nodding and Nick is talking about what to wear.

“I don’t know. The last party I went to…” I trail off, and Lorna gives me a look of pity and moves closer, whispering.

“You’re safe here, and if you want to leave we will, but this is good for you, Cat. Look at all the things you have accomplished in just a short few weeks. You’re strong, and you know Nick and I have your back. Plus I think Mr. College likes you.” She winks, and I cringe.

“I’ll go, but no guys. Friends sure, but I don’t think I will ever date a guy again.” Her eyes widen in surprise, and she gives me an evil grin. I raise my brow at her, and she laughs.

“Yes, babes. You got this,” she squeals, then pulls me back over to the guys. A chill runs up my spine, and I glance around but I don’t see anyone.

* * *