
Driving backfrom my therapist appointment my phone buzzes in the cupholder. I glance at it expecting it to be my dad, or Nick. Cat. I pull over and start reading. This is the first time she has made contact with me in weeks, and I have a bad feeling.

I skim the words as tears leak from my eyes. No, no, baby, no. I slam the car in drive and take off to her house, praying I’m not too late.




We return to the island, and the first thing I do is go check on Cat. The house is spotless, and there is an amazing smell in the kitchen. I find her wearing the baby as she busies herself chopping some veggies. She looks happy, healthy, which makes me mad.

Doesn’t she see how miserable I am? How tired and confused I am? How fucked in the head I am?

“You’re back,” she says once spotting me. I watch as she bounces my kid, and my eyes go wide at how much bigger he is now. I mean he is about four months old I think. Honestly I don’t fucking care. In my eyes, he’s her brat, not mine. I never wanted a son. The men in my family are fucked in the head, and I never wanted to bring a child into that legacy. I want my little princess, and I will get her.

Nicole shoves me aside and stomps to the table, sneering at Cat on the way. She is no longer my Kitten. She has pissed me off and annoyed me to no end these past weeks, and I’m thinking about throwing her over a cliff. But I know if I’m going to fix things with Cat, then I need to start correcting my mistakes. Starting with the one looking up at me right now with curiosity.

“Would you like some dinner?” Cat asks me, and I nod, following Nicole over to the table and taking a seat. Nicole glares at me, and I sneer back.

She made a comment on the trip about being a model and moving to Italy. I think her memories are starting to come back. I never did track down that doctor so I am on edge right now on all fronts. One good thing to happen while in town was I annulled my marriage to Nicole. I don’t know what I was thinking marrying her in the first place. Cat is my everything.

I need to fix things between us. I lost her before, and I became unhinged. I don’t want to be that man again.

Cat brings us plates of pasta, then turns to leave. “Wait, join us. I wanted to talk to you,” I tell her, and she glances worriedly down at her son. Taking a deep breath, she nods and moves to the other side of the kitchen. I stand and make her a plate and bring it to her, as she feeds the baby. The surprise in her eyes at my gesture makes my chest hurt. Why am I like this? She deserves everything, and I swore to myself I would be the one to give it to her.

I return to my seat and groan once tasting her food. She always was an incredible cook. I finish my bite then face her. I owe her a million apologies, but the biggest is for not listening to her and hurting her again. That’s all I ever seem to do. Maybe I should let her go. Bring her back to the men that were taking care of her. She was happy there. I was hoping maybe I could give her the same life.

Don’t be an idiot! Cat is ours. We just need to remind her of that and get rid of the little brat taking all her attention away from us.I shake my head and sigh. I don’t know what to think these days. The voices started to get louder the past few months, and maybe they are right.

She pulls the brat off her breast and burps him gently, smiling. I’ve always loved her smile. I clear my throat.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry for hurting you again. We were having a nice moment, and I took things too far. I knew you weren’t ready, and I didn’t listen to you or myself.” There, I apologized. Her smile turns into a frown when I don’t continue, and she seems mad. Taking a deep breath in, she pushes her chair back from the table and stands, nodding.

“Okay. Thank you. I think, but honestly, Rex, I wasn’t trying to be ungrateful for our deal or not hold up my end. I was just trying to make sure it was safe. I hope now you know.” She walks out of the kitchen, and I slump in my seat, ignoring Nicole’s rude comments about Cat.




Iwake to the beeping of machines. Fuck, not again. I refuse to open my eyes and listen to the people fight around me. My dad is going off on Rexley, and I groan. Shit, they heard me. I blink a few times and glance at my dad.

“Why?” I cry out and watch as his eyes tear up. “Why couldn’t you just let me go? I don’t want to be here anymore,” I tell him, and he rushes over to pull me into a tight hug.

“You are all I have left, Cat. Please don’t ever say that bullshit again. You are my daughter. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you. I let my own grief get in the way of what was important.” I let him hold me as I break down. Rex moves in the corner of the room, but I ignore him. I’m not ready to talk to him. I never should have added him to my group chat. My dad leaves to go talk to the doctor. I’m being admitted into psych and kept on suicide watch. Just more hell for my life.

Rex waits another minute, doing something on his phone, then moves closer to me. He doesn’t touch me, but I can tell he’s fighting not to.

“So you saved me then?” I ask, and he nods.

“When I got your message, I raced over to your house. I broke the front door. I told your dad I would pay for it, but he said not to. What the fuck were you thinking, Cat?” he finishes in a growl, and I jump.

“You have no right to come in here and yell at me for making a decision for my life. Was it stupid? Probably, but at the time it’s what I felt was right. Will I ever try again? No. But that has nothing to do with you, Rex.”

“Cat, I’m trying to make things better. I’ve been seeing a therapist, and the doctors gave me some meds. I know it doesn’t mean anything now, but you have to know that I am doing this for us.” I roll my eyes and let my tears fall.