“Ye already did,” she replied softly. “Those three words—they’re more than enough. So, ye’d best ken that I love ye, too. I love ye and, I daenae wish to panic ye, but ye’re stuck with me and my love for the rest of yer days.”

Feeling his heart swell, Felix pressed a kiss to her brow. “Then, I hope we live in love and passion and happiness for a very, very, very,verylong time. Although, I’d wager it’s ye who’ll tire of me first.”

“I’ll take that wager, kennin’ that ye’re goin’ to lose.” Gingerly, she lifted her head and kissed him. “There… sealed with a kiss.”

“I love ye,” he whispered, returning her kiss as gently as he could.

She looped her arms around his neck, chuckling as he picked her up and carried her to his waiting horse. “I love ye,” she said, nuzzling into him as if they had been parted for far longer than a couple of days.

For a short while, Felix stood like that, holding his entire world in his arms. He knew they had a long ride ahead of them, but he did not want to begin their return journey just yet. Instead, he wanted to savor the beauty of the moment.

After what seemed like an eternity of loneliness and solitude and a crippling fear of losing those he loved, Edwina had managed to break the curse that had been wrought upon him, so very long ago. She had tumbled into his life, quite literally, upending everything he thought he knew, and everything he had thought he needed to endure his existence.

Most of all, she had taught him that life was not something to be endured; it was something to be enjoyed, and he could no longer allow his fears to rule him. Gazing down at his wife, he decided that he would let love rule him instead, for if the fates had brought them together, he doubted they would dare to separate them again.

“I love ye,” he said, feeling a thrill as the words tripped so easily from his tongue.

She grinned. “I love ye, too. Now, get me home.”

“As ye wish, My Love,” he replied, realizing that, for the first time since inheriting Castle Moore, it really did feel like home.


Three Months Later…

Crouchingin the shadows of a mulberry bush, with her hand clamped over her mouth to quieten the sound of her breathing, Edwina watched the entrance to the southernmost end of the Castle gardens. Her heart pounded in her chest: her ears pricked for the sound of creeping footfalls.

Just then, she heard the snap of a twig underfoot. Her head twisted toward the sound, her eyes widening as she watched a fine pair of legs edge closer to where she hid. The muscular calves were particularly tempting, giving her a sudden urge to sink her teeth into them.

Wearing a mischievous grin, she flattened herself to the grass and poked her head out from beneath the mulberry bush. Lightly biting at a firm calf, she peered up as her husband let out a slight hiss of surprise.

“Did ye just… bite me?” Felix asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Just a little,” Edwina replied.

His eyes shone with amusement as he offered his hand to help her up. “Ye ken there’s nay point in hidin’ if ye’re goin’ to slither out and bite people, like ye’re some sort of snake, do ye nae?”

“I couldnae resist.”

His arms slipped around her waist as he pulled her against him, gazing down into her eyes. “Ye’re a strange one, wife of mine, and I wouldnae change ye for the world.”

“I thought ye liked it when I bite ye?” she teased, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

“Och, I cannae deny that I do, though I’m usually expectin’ it.” He dipped his head and caught her mouth with his, crushing his lips to hers in an eager kiss.

Sliding her palms up his chest, she kissed him back with equal fervor, hoping that their marriage would always be this way. A union of passion and love and endless, delicious nights, tangled up in one another.

She gasped as she felt his teeth graze her lower lip, noting the smile in his ensuing kiss. With him, she had learned that there was biting, and then there wasbiting.Nothing stirred her as quickly as feeling a sensual nibble on her earlobe, or the glance of his teeth against her skin, letting her know how much he craved her, how hungry he was for her.

“Ye realize that we might be caught, do ye nae?” she murmured, pulling back for a moment.

He shrugged. “I daenae care. I’ve been huntin’ for ye for the past ten minutes, and ye’ve roused somethin’ of an appetite in me.”

“Is that so?”

He nodded. “Aye, it is.”

He caught her mouth with his once more, as his hands wandered across the curve of her spine and over the swell of her backside. She moaned quietly as he gave her buttocks a playful squeeze that pushed her hips closer to his. Already, she could feel the solid flesh of his eager manhood, straining to be drawn into her silken well.