“Different John,” Ryder said. “He’s from Castle Millar.”

“So, nay one has seen my Man-at-Arms?” Considering how heavily he relied upon his friend, Felix could not believe he had missed the man’s absence.

Angus shook his head. “Like ye, I assumed he was searchin’ with a different group.”

“Quint, have ye seen John?” Felix turned to the gruff, grizzled soldier.

For a moment, Quint could not look his Laird in the eyes. “I think so, M’Laird.”

“Ye think so? Well, where did ye see him?” Felix pressed, growing more unnerved by the second.

“I wasnae in me right mind, M’Laird, with the drink and all that,” Quint admitted. “I’d nae long risen to relieve meself, when I saw John ridin’ out of the Castle. I thought, maybe, me eyes were deceivin’ me, but if he’s nae here, I cannae deny it any longer.”

Dread twisted Felix’s stomach into knots. “Ye’re sure it was him?”

“Aye, M’Laird.”

“Then, why did the stable lad say that nay one had departed?” Felix’s breaths shallowed, as that cold sweat of terror returned.

He did not want to believe that John was somehow involved, but John would not have been the first friend to stab a Laird in the back. Nor would he have been the first of Felix’s Man-at-Arms to betray him. After all, it was his former Man-at-Arms, Simon Beckett, who had temporarily robbed Melissa of her memories and stolen her away to try and make her his. Indeed, that wretch might have stolen a lot more, if they had not managed to rescue her in time.

Quint shrugged. “I cannae say, M’Laird. Ye’d have to interrogate him.”

“Have him brought to me. Have all of them brought to me—the stablemaster and the stable lads,” Felix commanded, his heart rattling in his chest.

“Aye, M’Laird.” Quint bowed his head and hurried off, with a few soldiers following behind him.

Angus cleared his throat. “I’m sure it’s nae what ye’re thinkin’. It’s nae likely that the same thing could happen twice.” He dropped his gaze. “John isnae like Simon. John is a good man. If that was him that Quint saw, I’ll wager there’s a decent explanation.”

If Felix had been in a calmer state of mind, he might have been able to see sense, but his head swirled with terrible images of his wife’s fate. This was precisely why he had not wanted to fall in love with her. Yet, he had, falling in love with her entirely, and now it seemed like he was going to lose her—the only good thing that had happened to him in a long, long time.

Before he could sink too deeply into his pit of despair, Meredith and Melissa appeared across the tower courtyard. Between them, they dragged a bedraggled and bleary-eyed Kenney, while a shamefaced young woman shuffled along behind them.

“Ye!” Felix seethed, striding toward the wretched Lord. “Where is she, Kenney? What have ye done with her, eh? Ye’d best speak, and speak quickly, if ye want to see another hour on this Earth!”

Kenney blinked up at him, as Melissa and Meredith let go of his arms, dropping him to his knees on the hard cobbles. He winced at the impact. “Would ye take more care?” he snapped at the two women. “I ken ye’ve all decided that I’m nae worthy to kiss the ground ye walk on, but I’m still above all of ye!”

“Where is she, Kenney?” Felix grabbed Kenney by his collar.

It was only then that Felix noticed what Kenney was wearing. A long, white shirt and nothing else, as if he had been dragged right out of his bed. Yet, Felix knew that Kenney had not been in his chamber.

Kenney sniffed. “I daenae ken what ye mean.”

“Edwina! Where is she?”

Kenney stifled a yawn. “Why would I ken? Daenae tell me ye’ve lost yer wife already.” He snorted. “I thought ye’d last at least a few weeks, until the novelty lost its shine. Ye mustnae have satisfied—” His words were severed by a sharp tug from Felix, tightening the collar around Kenney’s throat until it began to choke him.

“Ye’ve precisely one minute to tell me where Edwina is, and daenae pretend ye daenae ken. I willnae believe a word,” Felix growled, twisting the collar tighter.

It took Ryder’s hand upon Felix’s shoulder and a gently whispered, “He cannae speak if ye strangle him,” to loosen Felix’s grip.

Gasping for air, Kenney glared. “I mean it—I daenae ken where she is! Once she was married to ye in the kirk yesterday, I washed me hands of her! She’s nae my concern nor my responsibility, so if ye’ve lost her, that’s yer problem.” His cheeks reddened. “I should’ve left last night, instead of facin’ such indignity from ye barbarians!”

“Aye, ye should have, like ye were asked,” Felix hissed.

Just then, the sheepish young woman who had tailed Melissa and Meredith raised a nervous hand. “I believeImight ken where the Lady is, M’Laird.”

“And who are ye, eh?” Felix snapped, narrowing his eyes at the woman.