But as they moved toward the waiting carriage, and Felix glanced back over his shoulder to smile at the congregation, his eyes settled on that lone figure once more. The man stood apart from the rest of the guests, with an odd expression upon his face—one that had no place at a celebration.



In the GreatHall of Castle Moore, guests thronged and made merry with the liberal drink and food that had been prepared, at no expense, by Meredith and Melissa. There were more guests there than there had been at the Kirk, the crowd padded up by the residents of Castle MooreandCastle Millar. Edwina was glad of that, otherwise it might have been a rather sedate wedding celebration.

“I can feel Angus and Ryder twitchin’ at the sight of all of this,” she said, elbowing Felix lightly in the ribs. “I would offer some coin to pay for it, but I daenae think I evenhavea dowry anymore.”

Felix tilted her chin up and kissed her. “Ye daenae need one. I’ll take care of ye, just as I’ll slip a considerable sum to my brothers-in-law so they daenae lose sleep over their wives takin’ liberties with the coffers.”

“Do ye ken somethin’?” She peered up at him, pressing her palms to his chest.


“I think the two of us got so very lucky, daenae ye?”

He smiled. “Aye, I do.”

“Now, about that weddin’ dance.” She took hold of his hand and pulled him into the center of the dance floor.

Until that moment, the musicians had been playing cheerful enough music to accompany the chatter and eating and drinking, but the second they saw the married couple taking to the floor, the song shifted into a lively reel. The guests began to crowd around the dance floor, clapping their hands to the rhythm.

Edwina could tell that Felix was nervous, as his arm settled awkwardly around her waist and his other hand gripped hers tightly.

“Daenae mind them,” she told him. “Concentrate on me.”

He nodded. “I couldnae turn my attention anywhere else, even if I wanted to.”

With a joint breath, they began to move as one, sweeping in circles across the floor. In his arms, Edwina felt surprisingly secure, so she could not understand why he had had any anxieties about dancing. He was a fine dancer, leading her with ease and grace.

Indeed, as he began to relax into the music and the movement, she was the one who began to wonder if she was an inept dancer. He grew more creative with every moment, pausing in the midst of a step to spin her outward, before pulling her back against his chest. The rapt audience exploded with delight, clapping and cheering so loudly that Edwina struggled to hear the music.

“Even if it’s just the two of us alone without music, I’ll always dance with ye.”Remembering Felix’s words, Edwina drowned out the cheers and followed the rhythm of her husband’s body instead, until she was like water under his guidance—flowing and swirling with a quiet elegance.

Gradually, the music began to slow, and the applause died down as more guests took to the floor. In the crush of couples, Edwina and Felix found a bubble of peace, becoming just another pair among the masses.

“Why did ye say ye couldnae dance?” she scolded breathlessly, clinging to him.

He chuckled. “I dinnae think I could, but this is part of what ye’ve done to me, it would seem. Ye’ve made a dancer out of me,” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “and a lover.”

Heat rushed into Edwina’s cheeks, her mind drifting toward the night to come. “Someone might hear ye!”

“Ah, let them hear. I’ve nothin’ to be ashamed of, and it’s nae as if yer cousin can use it for a scandal,” Felix replied, giddier than she had ever seen him.

She gasped and punched his shoulder lightly. “Och, I’d been meanin’ to ask what ye did to him! He looked like he’d seen a ghost, all the way from the Castle to the Kirk.”

“We gave him a friendly warnin’.” Felix flashed a wink. “Although, I’m now needin’ a favor from him, so I probably shouldnae have doused him quite so heavily in trough water.”

Edwina’s heart leaped with cheer. “Ye did that?”


“But… what’s the favor?”

Felix tapped the side of his nose. “With any luck, ye’ll find out soon.” He paused. “There was somethin’ I’d been meanin’ to ask ye, actually.”

“Oh?” She settled back into the sway of his body, wondering if she could enjoy the same grace and unity when they were alone later.