“Ye daenae have to say that until tomorrow.”

He paused and peered down at her with mock chastisement. “Would ye be serious, just once?”

“Never,” she replied.

Laughing softly, he unlaced her stays and carefully untied her drawers, until she stood naked before him. It was a peculiar sensation for her, to be standing so exposed while he wore all of his garments. Indeed, it was strange to her to be standing naked in front of anyone.

A shiver of nerves rippled through her as her hands flew up to cover her breasts, and she turned her body to the side to hide the mound between her thighs.

“Daenae do that,” Felix said, in a voice akin to begging. “Daenae hide yerself from me.”

He gently pulled her hands away and dipped his head, catching her pert nipple in his mouth. Her neck arched back as he sucked upon that pink flesh, conjuring a million tiny explosions in her veins.

In that moment, her remaining reservations vanished. With eager hands, she wrenched his shirt and his great kilt away from him, until he stood before her, just as naked.

“Goodness—” She could not help but take a half step back as she looked upon the beauty of him. His body was a work of art, sculpted and carved by divine hands, every muscle lean and defined. As for the protrusion that seemed to strain for her—she doubted it could be ordinary. Indeed, if nothing else had intimidated her; that did.

She was about to take another half step, when the bed bumped into the back of her legs again. This time, it caught her in the dips behind her already weak knees, buckling her. She landed on the bed with a thud, blinking up at the towering, wondrous presence of Felix.

He smiled back down at her as he sank to his knees and scooped his arms underneath her bare thighs. Even kneeling, he was taller than her.

With a light tug, he pulled her to the very edge of the bed and caught her lips in a fierce kiss. As his body pushed forward, she moved with him, feeling the absence of his mouth on hers as he drew his kiss down her neck and between her breasts. He continued on down her stomach, taking his time to kiss and taste as much of her as possible. With every touch of his lips and tongue, he lit the fuses of a thousand more explosions, until she feared she might combust entirely.

Is this what our marriage will be like?The prospect almost gave her more pleasure than the graze of his mouth.

Upon reaching her hips, Felix hoisted Edwina’s legs onto his shoulders, urging her to lie down on the coverlets. Now aware of what to expect, the thrill still struck her as if it was the first time, his kiss upon her inner thighs making her tremble wildly, as if the cold had made it past the barricade of the windows.

It seemed different without any garments to hide behind. More exciting, more daring, more intense, somehow. And as his tongue brushed against that secret part of her, the burst of ecstasy had her writhing upon the coverlets and gasping as if he had already been lavishing her with his attentions for an hour.

He tasted her again, slow and measured, controlling every shake and shiver of her limbs as if his touch and his tongue were moving the strings of her body. She was a willing marionette, eager to see what else he could perform. The rumors about Felix being the greatest lover in Scotland might have been made up, but Edwina wanted to laugh at how accurate they were. Even with no knowledge of any other man, she knew he was superior.

“If anythin’ isnae to yer likin’, let me ken,” he said, in a fleeting pause. “Though, I’m sure ye would anyway.”

Panting furiously, she licked her lips. “There’s nothin’… that’s nae to my… likin’!”

He seemed to understand as he resumed his attentions. All the while, that strange feeling began to build inside Edwina once more—a sensation, unlike anything she had ever experienced before meeting him.

Just then, his fingertips slipped beneath the masterful rolling of his tongue and lightly caressed her petals, unfurling them until he touched upon the hidden center. A gasp lodged in her throat as he slowly slid one finger inside her, never breaking the measured rhythm of his tongue. It was a peculiar feeling, but not remotely unpleasant.

A moment later, after letting her grow accustomed to the sensation, he pushed another finger inside her. It was almost too much, as her back arched up off the mattress and her hands clenched the coverlets until they were close to tearing. Her body and her very being had never felt so alive, and though there was only firelight to illuminate the room, she was quite certain she must be glowing from the heat that he had ignited within her.

As he carefully began to move his fingers to a slower pace than his tongue, Edwina thought she would burst with pleasure. She was a silk purse, and his particular skills were like gold coins, and there were only so many that her seams could take. What she did not realize was that her body was already in the midst of contending with the strain, preparing her for a sweet and all-consuming release to ease the burden of such bliss.

“Felix! Och, Felix!” She clamped her hand over her mouth, half conscious of the inn full of people downstairs.

He did not reply. Instead, he lavished her more, until those seams that were barely holding her together finally exploded. The powerful surge of ecstasy hit her in one dizzying sweep, coursing through her veins until her limbs no longer seemed to be within her control. They shook feverishly, her skin tingling into gooseflesh, her head thrown back as an intense pressure pummeled from toe to crown and back again.

“Felix!” she cried out, biting down on her hand to stop the scream of delight that she actually wanted to expel.

A short while later, the surge retreated, leaving her weak and limp and happy upon the coverlets that she had twisted up beyond recognition. She panted through the pulses that remained, not sure whether to laugh or shout the news of her pleasure from the rooftops. If every pair of lovers experienced this, she could not fathom why no one had ever mentioned it. To her, it was the greatest moment of her life so far, reminding her that there were still hidden joys to be discovered in the world.

“Is yer honor intact?” Felix slowly withdrew his fingers and kissed his way up her stomach and over her breasts, to reach her lips once more.

She pulled him onto her, wrapping her arms around him. “I think ye’d have to ask the people downstairs, who probably heard all of that.”

“Och, let them have their gossip. I daenae mind rumors bein’ spread about me bein’ able to pleasure my wife well.” He nuzzled into her neck and slid his arms beneath her, rolling them both onto their sides.

She sighed contentedly. “And ye had me believe it wasalla fabrication.”