I wanted to touch her. I wanted to be near to her. I had every chance to tell her to leave, or to leave myself, but I stayed. How can I blame ye for that?

“Should I send for the healer?” Melissa chimed in. “Did ye smack yer head on somethin’? Ye must be careful, Brother, or ye’ll lose yer memory like I did. Do ye ken us? Do ye remember us? What year do ye think it is?”

Felix smiled at her over Meredith’s shoulder. “Very amusin’, Melissa. My head is fine, and I ken exactly who ye are—ye’re the two annoyin’, infuriatin’, dearly beloved sisters who are goin’ to prepare this weddin’ for me. That can be yer penance for arrangin’ that ball.”

“I definitely need to send for the healer.” Melissa gaped at him. “I thought ye’d be thinkin’ of every reason nae to marry her, by now. Och, part of me thought ye hadnae come to say farewell because ye’d escaped already.”

Felix shook his head. “I’m acceptin’ what fate has thrown in my path.”

“On the garden path,” Angus interjected, with a wry wink.

Felix chuckled. “Aye, and the two of ye can aid yer wives, as an apology for nae wrestlin’ Kenney Young to the ground and gaggin’ his mouth.”

“The weasel would’ve wriggled out anyway,” Ryder remarked, pulling a face. “I daenae ken if I’m allowed to say so, but I think this marriage is goin’ to complement ye. I just wish ye could’ve been caught in the gardens with someone who isnae related to that foul creature. It boils me blood, thinkin’ about his smug face.”

Meredith nodded eagerly. “We were in a similar situation, once. Aye, we were arranged to be married for the sake of a debt, but neither of us were keen. Then, we got to ken each other, and we fell in love, and it was the greatest mishap to ever happen to me.”

“Och, speak for yerself,” Ryder teased. “I kenned I was in trouble from the moment I met ye. I never thought I could love anyone, then… there she was. It’s me hope that it’ll be the same for ye and Edwina.”

Felix lowered his gaze. “It could be worse.”

“Pardon?” Melissa cupped a hand to her ear. “I daenae think we heard that correctly.”

He rolled his eyes. “She’s… an interestin’ lass. We went ridin’ earlier, and… aye, it could be worse.”

Melissa and Meredith squealed so loud that Felix’s eyelids twitched: the shrill sound shuddering down his spine. Nor did it help when Melissa decided to throw herself at Felix and Meredith, crushing them between her arms as she joined the embrace.

“Ye’ve fallen for her already!” Meredith cheered. “Och, this is wonderful! This couldnae be better if I’d planned it, which I definitely dinnae.”

Melissa gripped harder, pushing the breath out of Felix’s lungs. “If ye took her ridin’, ye must be besotted. Ye never take anyone with ye. Ye’re always chargin’ off on yer own, cuttin’ a lonely figure across the moors, bein’ all broodin’ and dramatic. Now, ye can be morosewithsomeone!”

Struggling for air, Felix extricated himself from his sisters’ snake-like arms and took a step away to catch his breath. “Daenae start puttin’ words in my mouth or notions in yer heads,” he chided, putting his hands up in surrender. “I daenae care for her in that way. I daenae ken her, for cryin’ out loud. She’s just a… beautiful woman who has some favorable wit about her, a sharp intellect, and a nae unpleasant smile.”

“Some favorable wit and a nae unpleasant smile? High praise indeed.” A familiar voice jarred in Felix’s ears, straightening him up as if someone had pulled a string and tightened all of his muscles. His eyes widened in embarrassment, not daring to turn around and see the woman who belonged to that voice.

Meredith’s hand flew to her mouth, while Melissa’s lips curved into a wide, gleeful grin. Somehow, no one had seen Edwina approach, or they had and had not thought to warn Felix.

“From our brother, thatishigh praise,” Meredith assured, scrambling to recover from the shock.

Edwina appeared at Felix’s side, resting a hand upon his shoulder. “Och, I’m just glad to hear that someone finds my smile pleasin’. I’ve always thought it’s too wide, showin’ too much tooth.” She flashed a smile up at him, but it was not a kindly one. Indeed, her gaze was thunderous. “As for my sharp intellect, I fear it’s nae quite as sharp as yer mighty self. If we were talkin’ tongues, however, mine might be sharper.”

She must’ve heard it all,he realized, knowing he had made a big mistake. Yet, it appeared she had a peculiar talent, for her words sent his sisters and brothers-in-law into a fit of stifled laughter, all of them unaware that her jest was not a jest at all. It was a chiding.

“Brother, she has more thansomefavorable wit!” Melissa cried. “Lady Edwina, I do believe that ye, Meredith, and I should find a moment to gather together. I daenae doubt that ye’ll hear us cacklin’ all the way across Scotland.”

Edwina cast Melissa a genuine smile, spiking further regret through Felix’s chest. “I would enjoy that, Mrs. Murray. I shall be sure to bring buckets of wit with me, to win yer favor, though I might have to borrow some from darlin’ Felix here. He seems to be the expert.”

“Melissa, please. I feel like someone’s maither whenever anyone calls me Mrs. Murray.” Melissa raised her eyebrows at Felix, as if to say, “I like this one very much”. Perhaps, among fellow women, Edwina’s displeasure was far more obvious.

Angus cleared his throat. “Me love, yearesomeone’s maither.”

“Och, ye ken what I meant,” Melissa replied, with a wave of her hand.

Meredith seized her opportunity. “Would tomorrow be suitable, Lady Edwina? Ye could come and see Castle Millar. As ye’ll soon be one of the family, I’d love to introduce ye and show ye where ye can come if ye need to escape one of my brother’s gloomy moods.”

“In the short time I have kenned him, he does seem to be a man of many moods,” Edwina jabbed, blinking up at him as if she was only teasing. “Tomorrow sounds delightful. Ye can help me plan the weddin’—that is, if my dear husband doesnae find a woman of greater merit first and calls the entire thing off.”

Meredith chuckled. “He wouldnae dare, nor do I expect there is any woman of greater merit than ye.” She looked to Felix. “Will ye make arrangements for Edwina to come to Castle Millar tomorrow?”