“All right, all right,” I chime in. “Before you scare my guest off, might I suggest that we move this party inside?” “Sure,” Joshua says, taking steps toward the house after I turn to lead the way.
“Don’t get too comfortable, though. I have at least a million questions for you,” Kate warns. “But you had to know that was coming, right?” Joshua laughs right along with her, playing his role of house guest quite well if I’m being honest.
“Pretty sure that’s standard procedure, so I’m ready when you are.” Kate’s smile grows and she passes me a glance over her shoulder. “You don’t have anything to worry about sis, this one doesn’t seem to scare easily. I like him already.” She has that ‘he’s a keeper look in her eyes, not realizing that all her energy is wasted. Joshua and I were doomed from the start. But if she’s buying our act of being friends, maybe there’s hope we’ll pass the real test, convincing the one I’ve most dreaded trying to fool tonight. My Dad. As my hand twists the knob and bright light from inside filters out onto the porch, I’m feeling sick to my stomach. Knowing I can’t avoid whatever comes next, so… here goes nothing.
* * *
As far as heartfelt welcomes go, this bunch hasn’t disappointed. The moment I stepped foot inside their home, Abby’s dad shook my hand and greeted me. Then, Abby’s Mom said to hell with formalities and hugged me so tight you’d think she’s known me for years. Abby’s little brother, Wayne, showed off all of his Pokemon cards while Abby and her sisters helped her mother set the table for dinner.
From what I’ve seen so far, they’re warm, friendly, and genuinely good-natured. I guess what I’m trying to say is… what the fuck could have happened to Abby that has her so scared of life? “More lemonade?” I peer up at Molly, Abby’s mom when she hovers over me, pitcher in hand, smiling. “Sure. Thank you.” She’s already filling my glass before I even finish answering.
“Are you always this polite?” she teases with a laugh. “My mother would have my head if I wasn’t.” Abby takes the seat beside me at the dining room table and shoots one hell of an intense look between her mom and me.
“Dinner will be out of the oven in a few,” her mom explains. “Sorry it’s taken a little longer than expected, but this will give us a chance to chat a bit before we eat. I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when my shy little Abby shows up with a handsome man, even if you are “just friends” this is the first time Abby has brought anyone over to meet us, ever!”
“I’m fine with answering whatever question you’d like to know,” I lie, forcing another smile. Truth is, I dread the idea of having to answer anyone’s questions. There was a lapse in communication these last few days when Abby and I should’ve been ironing out some of the details of this “friendship” and how much of my personal life I wanted to share. Like the fact that I’m technically still legally married to my ex and casually screwing their daughter in secret. God, I feel like a POS right now. But fuck it. It is what it is. The long stretch of silence that comes next has me thinking this might be a good time to excuse myself and head to the bathroom. Maybe then I’d be able to avoid the incoming attack. However, Kate speaks up before I get the chance.
“Well, if no one else is ready to speak up, I’ll start. How’d you two meet? I mean, clearly, Abby is drop-dead gorgeous, but she puts out that don’t talk to me vibe” she says with a wink, “and we all know my sister’s not much of a people person. Guess you could say I’m curious how a new “friend” managed to bypass her arsenal of defenses.”
I fight the urge to glance at Abby before answering. It’d only make my response seem coerced if we make eye contact. So, instead, I decided to stick as close to the truth as possible. “We’ve got a ton of mutual friends, which means we run in the same circles.” Kate nods thoughtfully. “So, what you are saying is you two were basically ships passing in the night until you met at a party. That’s kinda cute.”
My only response is to smirk, fearing that anything more would create suspicion. “And just how long have you guys been friends” Suddenly, my mouth’s dry. “Not long. Just since the end of December.”
“You know, you’re the first guy Abby’s brought home ever!” “Seriously, Kate?” Abby interrupts. “Can’t you just keep your trap closed for once?” Abby’s mom is halfway out of her seat when she stops to shoot them both a look. I’m guessing that kind of behavior isn’t allowed at the dinner table. “Sorry, Mom, but,” Abby gives up trying to explain, and gestures toward Kate instead.
“No excuses. Behave yourself. Both of you,” Abby’s mom clarifies as she tosses the same look toward Kate.
“On a lighter note, you got any siblings?” Abby’s Dad asks, effectively changing the subject and rescuing Abby from the previous conversation. “I do, actually. I’m one of seven.” “Oh, wow! How interesting to have such a big family!” Kate chimes in and I smile at her, “Yeah, I had to fight my siblings for my food.” I teased.
“I’m assuming you are all close.” I nod at Abby’s Dad. “Very. Well, when we were still living together, that is. We all have our own places now.” “Right. Adulthood has this way of abruptly pulling us out of our comfort zones.” “You have no idea,” I say back.
“What about your parents? You all a pretty tight-knit family?” Clearing my throat, I give him the cookie-cutter response I have on tap for anyone who asks this question. “My parents are divorced now and we’ve all kind of got our own things going on, so…” He nods, seeming to understand, but he has no idea the shit-show I’ve just condensed into that simple statement. I’m expecting another question, but instead, Abby’s Dad narrows his eyes and stares at me until Abby’s mom saves me from further discomfort when she reenters the room with the lasagna.
I feel Abby’s eyes on me, but for some reason, I can’t look at her. Before we can be swallowed up by another awkward silence, Kate shifts toward their other sister Alice and keeps the conversation alive. Focusing on a new subject, of course. We eat, laughing more than I thought possible with strangers, and talking across the table like they’ve done this with me a hundred times before.
When we finish eating, I happen to catch Abby’s gaze as I sip from my glass. It’s nothing more than a brief glance, but it’s loaded. It’s enough that I’m wondering if she feels it, too. Feels how easy this was. Feels like I just sort of fit in with her family. What I take from it is that it might not suck entirely if I had to come to another of her family’s dinners.
* * *
Later that night after the house finally settled down for the night Joshua and I sneak out to go walk down to the lake for some night swimming. When we get to the lakeshore he asks, “Is that a raft floating out there?” “Yeah, my parents just keep it anchored there during the summer.” “What do you say we go check it out? he smiles. “I thought you wanted to swim.” “I do, and we have to swim out to the raft don’t we?” he had a point.
“I’m down,” I say as I kick off my sandals and rush into the water. It’s the middle of July and we live in California, so even though it’s night time it’s still really hot outside tonight, so the water feels good. We make our way out to the oversized raft and climb aboard and get comfortable. “This is nice,” Joshua says and smiles. “Yeah, thanks again for coming with me this weekend.” I needed this. To get out of my head for a bit I mean.”
He reaches for my hand and squeezes it in his, knowing I’m referring to my nightmares. But he doesn’t press me for more information. I look up at him as he gazes down at me intently. A split second later I feel him thrusting his fingers into my hair, and then wrapping it around his fist before he crashes his mouth down onto mine.
I gasp and he takes full advantage of my surprise, by slipping his tongue between my parted lips and urging them even wider before he devours my mouth fervently. Then he moves closer to me, bringing our bodies together and eliminating any and all space between us. I could feel his erection brush against my stomach as he continued to seduce me with his enticing kiss.
It’s in moments like this, that he makes me forget myself, I forget why we are a bad idea and simply kiss him back. I grip his shoulders tightly and I begin to melt into his solid frame, wrapping myself around him.
Lurking somewhere in the back of my mind, I can hear a tiny voice of protest trying to remind me that this is a bad idea. But I tell that Bitch to shut her trap and let myself get lost in him. Heart pounding, panties dampening, I reach to bring him closer still. He indulges me by lifting my leg and wrapping it around his waist and grinding into me as we both get lost in each other. A hunger-filled grunt leaves him when he pulls back and gazes down at me. Looking into his eyes I can see his desire for me.
I feel a smile curve my lips, as my nervousness grows into anticipation and I make my decision to let myself go wherever he wants to lead me. My voice lowers, need for him slams through me as my hand slowly trails up his thigh. Then I lean into him and feel his warm breath on my cheek. “Maybe you’re the one who should be pushing me away.” His hand circles the back of my neck and he pulls me in, closing the distance between us and making me melt against him, every second between us up until now has been working up to this one defining moment. Neither one of us can back away from the other, whatever this thing is between us, it’s on fire, and sooner or later we are both bound to get burned by it. But that doesn’t change the fact that the pull between us is too strong for either of us to deny.
He deepens the kiss, his tongue fighting mine for dominance as his hands roam freely over every curve of my body. I groan into his mouth, needing so much more from him, and damn if he didn’t read me like a fucking book. He pulls my top over my head and drops it to the side before reaching around and untying my bikini top. The silky material slips down my arms, and I let it fall away, my pussy now wet and clenching with anticipation.