Page 81 of Queen of Ashes


The silence surrounding me was depressing to say the least. In the mighty Dome, my father’s funeral was finally taking place—only a week after my cheerful crowning.

“Tasteless,” I mumbled in anger to myself. How all this had gone down was absolutely tasteless.

Once more, I stood in front of my dead father, but this time, he was in a beautiful casket decorated with precious stones and golden ornaments. Rune was by my side, and Wimfred and Frida were standing behind me. Then there were the noble families of my own kingdom according to rank. Dieter had taken a turn for the better, which Malick based on the reactions he presented when poked with a needle—he was still unconscious.

The casket was closed, but I had already prepared myself for that, considering how much time had passed since he’d been murdered. But still, the fact that I’d never see his face again hung about my neck like a millstone.

The soft voices of a boy choir began to sing their farewell songs as I stepped up to my father’s casket and placed a hand on it.

“Forgive me for delaying your final peace, Father. I did it for you as much as the kingdom.”

I felt the tears building in my eyes, but by now, after everything I had been through, I had learned to swallow them back down.

“Tell Mother that I love her and miss her. I will try to make both of you proud.”

My hand briefly slipped to my belly and the child I was carrying in it. Was this something I should tell him? Was he watching me already? Did he know about his grandchild?

I had sent a messenger to Alrick’s castle on the fastest horse we had besides Fiona. Not about the baby, but to inquire about his health. The message should have been received already with enough time to reply—if he’d wanted to. But there’d been nothing. That awful chest pain returned just thinking about it. Would he really just abandon me like this, or was he in need of help? I needed to find out what had happened to Alrick, or I would never sleep in peace again.

My hand started trembling, but then, much to my own surprise, instead of clenching my fists as I usually did, I looked over at the man I was to marry soon.

All dressed up in his Northern formal military outfit of black leather and medals, I couldn’t help but think how stunning he looked. Rune was a man many women would run after, I understood that. But there was something else about him. He made me feel safe. He saw a strength inside me I didn’t know I possessed. He believed in me when even I didn’t.

And before I even realized what I was doing, my trembling hand reached for his. The shaking stopped the moment we touched.

His hand felt warm and so incredibly strong. I’d seen him crack a man’s skull with it, but could it be gentle and passionate when touching a woman’s body?

Rune turned toward me, completely bewildered. I instantly let go and looked away.

What the hell was I doing?Probably just too much stress,I tried to convince myself.

With burning hot cheeks, I kissed my right hand, the very one I had just held Rune’s with, and placed it gently on my father casket.

Slowly, I stepped backward, the signal to the organ players to begin their song.

Wimfred stepped next to me. “Would Her Majesty like to attend the feast with the noble families?” he asked as people slowly started to make their way out. “Your people will want to pay their respects to you.”

I shook my head.

“Not right now. I will visit the small church in the forest where my father and mother used to sit. Just for a little while. I will join the noble families for dinner.”

Wimfred bowed. “Of course.”

I left, with Rune right on my heels, followed by four of the guards he had personally chosen.

“Please keep your distance. I’d like to be alone,” I said.

“Of course,” he said, briefly glancing at my lips.

“Thank you, Rune.”

As we exited the Dome through the side door, I found Fiona right next to a carriage and several other horses, including Inga, Rune’s gigantic warhorse.

“What is my carriage doing here? I thought we would ride the horses.”

Rune stepped next to Fiona and pet her on her neck, then grabbed Inga’s reins from one of the guards.