Page 76 of Queen of Ashes

“I told you to wait downstairs.” She shook her finger in his face. Then she grumbled something and joined the others in the hallway.

It was dead silent after they left. Only Rune and me. He stood in the doorframe as if he was suddenly terrified to enter my chamber.

“Come in and close the door,” I said. Much to my surprise, he listened without the slightest protest.

I looked away. The sudden shame of the situation robbed me of my words.

“Please,” he said and stepped into the middle of the room. Slowly, carefully, like a frightened animal. “Please forgive me.”

My head lifted to meet his gaze. His eyes were wide open in worry.

“Forgive you?”

He ran his hand though his thick black hair. Something I noticed he did on the rare occasions he felt lost.

“For angering you, making you fall. It stressed you, made you weak right before the coward rode off.”

“Coward?” My head jerked back. Was he referring to Alrick?

I was about to defend him when Rune spoke again.

“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to anger you again,” he said, stepping closer to the bed and running his hand through his hair again. “I’m a man of few words, and too often I speak my mind. Please believe me that I’m trying. I really am.”

I shook my head. “You have nothing to apologize for. In fact, it is I who has to apologize to you.” I bit my lip. Hard. It hurt. How was I supposed to word this? How could I ask him to play along with a child that wasn’t his?

Rune scratched the back of his neck in confusion. “Why are you apologizing? For the child?”

My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

“If that is what worries you,” Rune said, “sleep well tonight. Nothing has changed on my end of the bargain.”

I pushed forward in bed, closer to him. “R-really?”

Rune shrugged his broad shoulders. “I see nothing wrong with it. Why does the whole world think it’s a sign of strength for a man to fuck around as much as he can but a woman and the child that might come of it are reasons for shame? I find what I do on the battlefield less monstrous than that.”

My lips parted in utter shock. I shifted toward the edge of the bed, dangling my feet over the side of it—all while staring at this strange man in front of me. Monster, they called him. Beast, unhuman. Yet, in this moment, he was the most human creature I had ever met.

“No,” he said and stepped closer. “Please stay in bed. You need to rest.”

“I can’t.”

“Of course you can. Wimfred will entertain the guests. Any message you want to send can be sent later. And if anybody wants to plot or come for you again”—he shrugged once more—“I’ll just kill them.”

It was bizarre, but I couldn’t help but smile. It was most likely the thought of King Algar’s head rolling down the hallway if he dared to try anything with Rune.

I took a deep breath. “Thank you, Rune,” I said softly. Despite the terrible news of my pregnancy, it felt as if the foot that was constantly pressing on my throat had been removed, at least for a little while. “Thank you for everything.”

He pinched his lips together. “Don’t thank me yet. My father and King Louis have been looking for me, and Wimfred wants me to meet with them in private.”

“Oh. Let me get dressed—”

“There is no need. I can handle them. I know the language those two will understand. Better than anybody else, in fact. But if I lose control...” He looked worried.

“Then we shall deal with the consequences together.” I was sick and tired of both of these kings. “To hell with them,” I added.

Rune stared at me, then nodded. “One more thing,” he said.

“What is it?”