Page 54 of Queen of Ashes

“That too, most likely.”

A tiny piece of the enormous rock crushing me was chipped away knowing Wimfred was still on board with my marriage to Alrick.

“Then let us go and set it in stone,” I said. “When I woke up this morning, the Rhine Kingdom was still one of the most powerful and richest kingdoms in this world. I think some people might need reminding of that.”

Wimfred looked at me a moment longer, then his tense face softened. “Wherever your father is, he would be very proud of you.”

My lips turned into a sad smile. “Of the trembling queen whose crown is already slipping?”

Wimfred grabbed my hand. “Of the woman that fights all fronts and picks herself off the ground over and over again when others would have stayed defeated.”

My eyes met his. “At some point, even the mightiest tree will fall to the storm.”

“Maybe so, but it was a mighty tree nonetheless, and that in itself is something to be proud of.”

His words were soothing. Almost as if they had come from my father himself.

“Thank you, Wimfred. For everything you have done for this family.”

Releasing my hand, Wimfred smiled softly. “It’s an honor, My Queen. Now let’s go and make some noise. Just as you said, this kingdom is still one of the mightiest of them all. Let’s go remind them.”