Page 45 of Queen of Ashes


The moment I stepped foot into the hidden tunnel that would lead to the hallway of the entrance hall of my castle, Frida and Wimfred came rushing toward me.

“Your Highness, thank the Lord!” Wimfred said, sighing loudly. “The last play ended five minutes ago and the crowd is growing worried about Her High—”

His voice broke off as he nearly tripped over his feet in shock. Wimfred was staring over my shoulder at Rune.

“He’s with me, Wimfred. No need to worry. I’m unharmed. Thanks to Rune,” I tried to reassure him, but Wimfred just kept staring at Rune as if he were about to sprout horns and a tail. Frida, on the other hand, just threw Rune a disapproving glance and then pushed Wimfred out of the way to get to me. She pulled a handkerchief out of her dress pocket and wet-licked the end of it. I flinched as she brought it to my face.

“There is no time to change,” Frida said, grabbing my hand. “But we have to get the blood off Her Highness.” With quick rubs, she wiped away the spots of blood on my cheek and hands.

“What happened? Where is Dieter and your guards?” Wimfred asked.

“We were attacked in the tunnel to the Dome,” I said, checking my dress for blood. Its black color hid the stains well enough. “Gunther must have known I would look for Alrick and take the tunnel to free the rebels. The guards are dead. Dieter is wounded but will live. He is at the church with the monks.” I tilted my head to look at Rune, who was standing behind me, motionless, his blue eyes detached and cold.

“If it wasn’t for Rune...” I added but didn’t finish my sentence. Now that the adrenaline from almost being killed was starting to subside, the hopelessness of my situation was dawning on me. My enemies seemed to know my every move, always waiting for me in the shadows.

Wimfred shook his head in disbelief as his gaze dropped to the floor.

“The king dead. Another attack on your life.” He gave a desperate sigh. “We are running out of time on every front. I promised your father I would watch over you when he no longer could. If something happens to you—”

“It won’t,” I said, grabbing the handkerchief from Frida to remove the last blood stain from my right thumb. “This is just another failed attempt by a man to destroy me.”

I handed Frida the handkerchief and started striding down the short tunnel that led into the hallway.

Wimfred and Frida followed; Rune didn’t. When I turned to look at him, he threw me a curt nod but didn’t move.

“But, Your Highness—” Wimfred almost ran into me. “If these attacks continue, King Algar and Gunther will be successful sooner or later.”

“They won’t,” I said to Wimfred while still looking at the blood-covered man who’d saved my life. The son of the man who was behind all of this. What was he really doing here?

“And why not? Why would they stop all of a sudden?” Wimfred asked.

I took a deep breath, my eyes still fixed on Rune. This was it. What I was about to say next could be a grave mistake or the proof I needed to figure out whose side Rune was on.

I balled my fists and straightened my spine.

“Because I will kill them first.”

Wimfred and Frida exchanged concerned glances. Rune didn’t even flinch.

“K-kill His G-grace and the king of the North?” Frida stuttered.

“But, Your Highness!” Wimfred joined her.

I turned and started walking again. Frida and Wimfred rushed after me.

“Indeed,” I said coldly, loud enough for Rune to hear. “And I will start with that rotten rat Gunther.”