Page 3 of Queen of Ashes

Yes. That sounded logical, confident—like a real queen. Yet Lord Fellsbruck hesitated. Dieter stepped forward.

“Is something the matter, Lord Fellsbruck?” He was quite intimidating thanks to his eye patch covering a war wound. Their eyes met briefly, then Lord Fellsbruck bowed.

“No. Thank you, My Queen, for granting me the honor to remain here with your father.”

I threw him a curt nod, then made my way out the hall, followed by Dieter and a few soldiers.

“Damn it,” I mumbled to myself. The Fellsbrucks were loyal to me, and yet they were testing me already. Winning over my people would be harder than I thought, even with the help of a loyal man like Dieter and an entire army at my feet.

If only Alrick were here.

That stinging pain in my chest intensified as it always did when I thought of him. It made it hard to breathe. By God, I missed that man. I thought of him day and night. I could only pray that he still felt the same about me—and would keep his promise for us to unite as soon as we could.