Page 46 of Queen of Ashes



The hooves of our horses thundered over the road to the castle as we passed endless crowds of celebrating people. Every now and then, a drunk man or woman tumbled onto the road, just to jump right back out of the way the moment they saw us.

My heart was racing like my horse. None of this made sense to me. None of it. Why were we locked in the cellar of the Dome just to be freed by monks again? All they told us was that we were free to go. But why? If it was Algar’s or Gunther’s intent to make it seem as if the rebels weren’t invited to the castle, why free us before the night was over? Unless Mina was dea— No! I pushed the idea out of my head. The thought of it twisted my stomach so violently, I thought I might vomit. I needed to see her—alive and well!Now!

Another drunk tumbled onto the road and I was about to pull my horse’s reins when he saw me and threw himself sideways, just narrowly missing being trampled.

“Out of the way!” I yelled. In front of me, the light rock towers of the Rhine Castle came into view in the far distance. I gave my horse the heels again.


“Caballus,” I mumbled the name of the god of horses. “Please give my four-legged friend wings.”

I needed to see her.

I needed to touch her.

I needed to know she was still alive.