Page 35 of Queen of Ashes


It had been an agonizing two hours of welcoming strangers and still no sight of Alrick. I had grown nervous, my fingers twiddling more and more like a child with the silken fabrics of my black dress and crimson crowning cape.

“Still nothing?” I whispered to Wimfred even though I had been sitting next to him the entire time and would have noticed if he had received any form of message.

“No, My Queen, and the next family will be the last on the list.”

Wimfred knocked his rod on the floor.

“The honorable Knight Chestkrick von Holst and his two sons Heinrich and Helmut,” Wimfred announced.

Maybe it was the fact that Alrick had been missing, but it was starting to bother me that Wimfred only ever announced the men of the families.

“Why are the women not announced?” I inquired as an older knight wearing his armor and a fine-dressed woman with her two sons and unannounced two daughters approached us.

“My Queen, it is tradition.”

“Then change it,” I said and rose to welcome the last guest.

“Lady and Lord Chestkrick,” I said with a fake smile. “I thank you for joining me here today.”

Both of them bowed.

“My Queen, there is no greater honor than to swear the loyalty of House Chestkrick to you in person,” the knight said.

“Your loyalty means a lot to this crown. Thank you again, now please enjoy the feast.”

I opened my arms wide and faced the crowd. For a moment, my gaze wandered off to the wide-open door and into the hallway behind it. If this was a fairy tale, Alrick would jump in at the last second. But this was no fairy tale, it was my personal nightmare. Yet some hope presented itself: Dieter came rushing around the crowd toward me.

The crowd grew curious with mutters and mumbled as I stood there in silence. Dieter stopped beside me. His face was emotionless, but sweat was pearling on his forehead.

“My Queen, the rebels never left the Rhine Dome.”

Damn it!

Clearing my throat, I faced the crowd again, still smiling.

“Let me thank you all for joining me here today. Unfortunately, some of my guests from the North seem to have gotten lost. But I am certain they will find their way to us shortly. Let us not wait any longer. I hereby announce the ball and feast as open to all of you!”

The crowd erupted in loud cheers and shouts. Cannonballs were fired outside as the wave of ecstatic chants and cheers rose from the tens of thousands of people who had gathered around the castle.

Like a busy ant pile, people flocked into the ballroom for drink and food, gasping at the sheer sight of the luxury that awaited them. Musicians and dancers mingled with the nobles to form a mass of colorful dresses and energetic movements.

I watched as the mighty throne hall emptied like wild birds escaping a cage. I held that enormous fake grin until the last few guests had turned their backs on me.

My smile vanished, and I strode toward the hallway and away from my guests.

Wimfred and Dieter followed, their feet clacking against the marble floors. “My Queen, you need to join the feast. Your guests are awaiting you,” Wimfred pleaded. He was right to be worried. I was supposed to be with my guests, entertaining the highest ranked among them and strengthening my bond with my allies and loyal knights.

“I need to find Alrick,” I countered.

“My Queen, Wimfred is right,” Dieter insisted. “I will gather our men and ride to the Dome.”

But I continued down the hallway.

“I’m afraid you have no authority over the church,” I said. “Whoever is scheming on Gunther’s behalf down there will only answer to him...and maybe to their queen.”

Dieter cussed something under his breath. “I will make them listen to me. I have my ways.”