Page 2 of Queen of Ashes

“Everybody knows the East is filled with simple men and women. Savages,” he continued. The other doctors mumbled their agreement.

The man, Malick, grinned. He was short with a pointy nose and a triangular face like a mouse.

“How dare you grin at me,” the older doctor erupted.

“Quiet,” I ordered.

I wouldn’t tolerate arrogant prejudice or bickering among these men. They were here to find out what had happened to my father, not to start arguing with one another.

I focused back on Malick. “What amuses you about this man’s childish insults?”

Malick cleared his throat, still grinning. “I know how these men practice. You won’t find your answers with them,” he said.

A mumble of indignation echoed through the hall, including Lord and Lady Fellsbruck and the servants surrounding them.

“How dare you,” the old doctor said. “I demand you explain yourself!”

Malick scratched his shaven chin. “We are here to determine the cause of death. So let me take a guess. The first thing you would do to rule out poison is to place leeches on the body of the deceased, is that correct?”

The mumbles turned to shocked mutters.

“Yes, a well-respected practi—”

“And let me also assume,” Malick continued, “that you will base your results on whether those leeches survive or not?”

The doctors looked at one another.

“As I said, a widely respected practice in the South,” the old doctor insisted.

Malick sighed. “If you don’t want to find the truth, certainly. But where I’m from, we know that blood coagulates. When a body dies, its blood turns from watery fluid to a porridge-like substance. The leeches won’t feed well on it, therefore they won’t survive even if there wasn’t poisoning involved. Besides, the priority now should be ice.”

“Ice?” I wondered, truly fascinated by this man’s knowledge.

“Yes, My Queen. Forgive me, but without ice, the corpse will continue to rot quickly, and soon the stench and decomposition—”

“Start right away,” I ordered with a twisting stomach. “You others can go.”

Malick bowed. “Yes, My Queen.”

I turned to Lord and Lady Fellsbruck, who both looked as if I had just invited the devil to stay at their home. Lady Fellsbruck even made a holy cross on her chest when Malick looked at her.

Jesus Christ.I appreciated their kindness, but their extreme religion and suspicion toward people from different countries annoyed me, to say the least.

“Lord and lady Fellsbruck shall provide you with everything you need, isn’t that so?” I said, looking from Malick to the couple.

Lord Fellsbruck nodded hesitantly. “Of course.”

“I expect this to be over with soon so the funeral proceedings can begin. Send word of your work regularly; you can find me with my army. We shall ride south to my castle this afternoon.”

“Her Majesty will not remain here with her father and this...this man?” Lady Fellsbruck asked.

“No, I shall ride and meet my men, then travel south to reunite with the rest of my army and the noble families.”

A moan escaping her lips, Lady Fellsbruck raised a handkerchief to her mouth in shock. By God, this woman was dramatic. And yet, I had empathy for her. Everything I had done so far was unusual: being up north this far, leaving my father here, and even the simple fact that I was reigning as an unmarried woman.

Alrick was right. I needed to act quickly and stabilize my reign. But, to do so, I had to give my people something different than a spoiled woman who let others make decisions for her. I had to be a confident queen, body and soul.

I turned to Lord Fellsbruck. “Given the circumstances, you are hereby relieved of your duty to travel south to demonstrate your loyalty. Stay with my father. You are needed here until further notice.”