Page 8 of Savior

“She did,” Ansel replied with a nod, “But I’d love to hear it from you.”

I smiled and thought about how to start. He already knew about my parents and my upbringing, and about my keeper Fagen.Oh, I know!“I can read,” I told him proudly.

Ansel answered with a bright grin, “That’s very impressive.”

“It’s my favorite thing to do. When I was stuck in the castle, I would read about far away places and pretend that I was there. I lost myself in the pages and dreamed of going on adventures.”

“How exciting.”

“It was. Fagen even got me a new book for my birthday yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to read it.”

I flinched when Ansel slapped the table and stood up from his chair. “I almost forgot about your birthday present!”

“You have something for me?” I asked excitedly. He had already done so much for me, but I couldn’t help but be eager for a gift.

“I do.” Ansel hustled across the room and opened a cupboard. After rummaging through it, he stood up, holding a long strip of leather in his hand. “Stand up, please.” I did as he asked, and Ansel wrapped the leather around my waist before securing it in a tight knot.

“Thank you,” I told him with a giddy smile. “It’s a lovely belt.”

“It’s not just a belt,” he corrected. “It’s a holster.” I narrowed my eyes in confusion until he reached inside his cloak and pulled out a short but shiny sword. “This was the very first sword that I learned to wield. It was given to me by my father, and has seen many battles. I want you to have it for protection, and to always keep me close to you.” Ansel slid the sword into the belt at my hip, letting it dangle by the hilt.

My eyes prickled at the sentiment. This weapon had to be of utmost importance to Ansel, but he was sharing it with me. “Thank you,” I said again, this time in a whisper. “I will treasure it.”

He stepped back to admire me while he stroked his beard. “It looks good on you, and one day soon I will teach you to use it; we may need it on our adventures.”

“Our…adventures?” I asked, my heart beating excitedly.

“Yes. Now that you and I are together, I will take you on as many adventures as you like.”


“I promise. Anywhere you want to go.”

I lurched forward and slammed my lips to his once more, and it was just as good the second time. And then it got even better when Ansel ran the tip of his tongue along my bottom lip. It felt incredible and I wanted to do the same for him, so I attacked his lips with my tongue. I felt him smile against me before opening his mouth. Then things got incredible as our tongues slid against each other, exploring and tasting.

Blood pooled in my groin again. While I was embarrassed that Ansel may feel it, I couldn’t bring myself to stop the kiss. But then Ansel pulled away quickly when a loud, long howl sounded in the distance.

“What was that?” I asked breathlessly.

“Hellhounds.” Ansel grabbed my hand and dragged me across the kitchen to a wooden door. “We must leave at once.”

He threw the door open and pulled me outside into a grassy field. He held my hand tightly as we ran together, though I didn’t know what was happening.

“What are hellhounds?” I asked, my words broken by the thump of my feet on the ground.

“They are both Maldor’s pets and spies. He must have sent them to find you. Their howl means that they’ve got your scent. They are coming for you. They want to take you back to their master.”

My heart, already racing from the exertion of running, pounded even faster with fear. We sprinted faster, through the long grass and into a forest of lush trees. My chest burned with every breath, and my legs ached. My vision became blurred and dark around the edges.

“I’m…sorry,” I panted as my legs slowed, “I…can’t go…on.” I hadn’t run since I was a child, and that was only up and down the hallways of the castle. Ansel scooped me into his arms, and I noticed that he wasn’t even winded.

I thought that he may carry me and continue running, but instead, he hoisted me onto his shoulder, and then lifted me toward a low branch of a tree. “Climb, Leo,” he commanded.

I used the last of my strength to hug the branch and pull myself up onto it. I straddled the wood and looked on just as another howl pierced the air. Two creatures burst into the woods, coming right for us. They were like no other hound I’d ever seen; black as night, and so slim that their ribs could be easily spotted through their fur. Their eyes glowed red, and their mouths frothed around jagged teeth.

“Hurry!” I called to Ansel. “Climb up with me!”

He shook his head and reached inside his cloak, pulling out a long sword. “You stay safe,” he told me before turning his back to me, facing the hounds. “These beasts won’t get through me.”