Page 9 of Savior

“Ansel, no!” I cried out, just as the hounds leapt at him.

He slashed his sword, hitting one of the animals in the side, drawing green blood from its wound. But the other hound clamped its jaws around Ansel’s left ankle. It thrashed its head, tearing away chunks of flesh.

The wounded beast shook off and lunged at Ansel once more, but was kicked away with his other foot. Ansel growled in pain as the second hound ravaged his leg. But then my man raised his blade and sank it into the creature’s back, splattering the ground with green blood as the hound collapsed with a yelp.

The remaining hound let out a noise that sounded like a human scream before attacking again, pouncing Ansel and knocking him to the ground. The beast clawed at his chest, ripping his tunic and shredding his skin.

I couldn’t just sit there and watch him be killed. I fumbled with my sword until I withdrew it from its holster and prepared to jump down from the branch, but Ansel did not need me.

He struck the animal with a closed fist, sending it tumbling to the ground. Bleeding and grunting, Ansel made his way onto his knees. He took his sword in both hands and just as the hound lunged at him again, Ansel lifted the blade above his head and thrust down, lodging the sword between the creature’s eyes. It yelped and twitched until it finally lay still.

Ansel sighed and his shoulders slumped forward. He was injured; perhaps gravely, and all because of me. I had to get to him and help him in any way I could. I could not lose him.

I attempted to slide gracefully off of the branch, but my footing slipped and I rolled off, landing on my back on the ground beneath me. Before I could even stand, Ansel was before me, examining me with worried eyes.

“Leo, are you hurt?”

I couldn’t believe my ears. This man had just sustained serious injuries while fighting and slaying creatures, but all he cared about was my wellbeing. His concern caused my eyes to well up with tears.

“Youarehurt,” he assumed before patting down my chest. “Where? What can I do?”

I threw my arms around his neck and held him tightly. “Never leave me,” I begged in a shaky whisper. It was all I needed or would ever need. “I can’t make it without you. My heart is so full of love for you, Ansel.” It didn’t matter how long I’d known him. His care and sacrifice spoke to my soul and told me everything.

“And I love you, my prince.”

I squeezed him tighter and wept into his neck before I pushed him back quickly, realizing that I was surely hurting him. “Your injuries - let me see them,” I instructed, pulling away the shredded fabric of his tunic. I blinked in surprise at the fresh pink scars that lined his chest. The material was soaked with blood, though there were no open wounds on his skin. “I don’t understand.”

“Remember when I told you that Thayla blessed me with a very long life?” I nodded. “I didn’t want to further overwhelm you at the time, but she actually granted me an everlasting life. When I am injured, I heal very quickly to prevent blood loss. My body repairs itself so that I may live on.”

“That’s incredible,” I replied, brushing my fingers along the marred lines of skin. My chest warmed with joy; I would never have to say goodbye to him. But then just as quickly, unease settled in my gut. “My body does not heal in such a way. If those hounds had gotten to me-”

“I would never let that happen,” Ansel insisted. “I am always here to protect you. And though you are still mortal, I was promised a mate to spend forever with. We must trust Thayla and her timing.” I nodded my understanding and he wiped my face dry. “But for now we must keep moving. When Maldor learns the fate of his animals, his anger will soar. He’ll know that you are not alone and his guards will search harder for both of us. They’ll surely find my cottage, so we can not go back there.”

“Where will we go?”

“I know a place.”

He helped me to my feet and took my hand. We quickly walked side by side as we ventured deeper into the forest.

Chapter Five


I sighed in relief when I saw lantern light in the distance. Leo and I had been walking all day and into the night without a break, water, or food. While I was used to such things, my sweet prince was not. His steps were slowing and his eyes were drooping, but he continued on without complaint. I was so proud of him, but it was time to stop. He needed rest.

Which brought us to this inn, far away from my cottage or any other civilization. I had stayed here a few times in the past, when my quests brought me far from home. It was not owned by the kindest men, and many of its patrons did not have pure intentions; they were running from someone or hiding away from trouble, but nobody asked questions. Their business was their own; the innkeeper only cared about their ability to pay. It was the perfect spot for respite for Leo and me.

Leo followed me through the main entrance of the inn, which opened into a great hall, complete with its own tavern. It was full of rowdy men at wooden tables, drinking ale and telling tales of revelry. Their barking laughs and lewd remarks filled the air.

I wanted to get Leo away from there as soon as possible, so I led him to the back corner, where the innkeeper stood behind a counter, watching his patrons and laughing at their antics.

When we approached, the innkeeper raised an eyebrow as he inspected my bloody clothing, but he didn’t say anything except, “What do you want?”

“My friend and I need a room for the night,” I replied.

“It’s a penny a head,” he replied, “Double if you want heat.”

I nodded and placed four pennies on the countertop. “And I’d like food and fresh clothing brought to the room as well.”