Page 5 of Savior

Leo reeled away from me as if I’d struck him. “That was not my meaning!” The blush grew darker when he explained, “It’s…quite the opposite.”

I swallowed thickly when realization dawned on me. My fated love was pleased with my appearance. He was worried that hisattractionto me was offensive.

“Leo, do not worry. Your words make my heart glad, as I am in awe ofyourbeauty. Your hair reminds me of the setting sun, and your eyes are like the cool water of a lake.”

Those eyes were wide as they gazed at me before he replied, “That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.” He walked a few more steps before asking, “So that means that you are…like me?” I smiled and nodded. “I thought I was perhaps the only one. I told Fagen once - about my desires - and he told me to keep them to myself; that I could be punished, and he wanted me to be safe.” Leo rubbed his chest again. “Was he only protecting the sacrifice too?”

“No, Leo. Fagen’s heart was pure and his care was real. He looked upon you as if you were his own son. He knew nothing of the plans for you.” Leo sighed in relief as I realized that I hadn’t answered his previous questions. “I know about Fagen the same way that I know about you; the goddess Thayla visited me and told me everything.”

“Thayla is real too?” Leo asked in surprise.

I nodded. “She told me about your life and that you were in trouble. She sent me to save you, and even gave me this cloak which made it possible.” I held out the fabric and explained, “It made us invisible to the guards.”

“Wow,” Leo whispered. “So she wanted you to save me to keep Maldor from becoming stronger?”

“Yes and no.” At his confused expression, I explained, “Thayladidwant to thwart Maldor’s plans and help maintain balance in the land. But she also guided me to you as a reward.”

He was silent for a few moments before admitting, “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.”

“I have fought in many battles against those who follow Maldor. Thayla appeared to me many decades ago. She was pleased by my dedication to her, and she bestowed upon me several gifts.”

“The cloak,” he presumed, and I nodded again.

“For one. I was also granted a very long life, and for the third and final gift, someone to share it with.” I did not wish to overwhelm Leo, but I didn’t want to hide anything from him either. “That person is you, Leo. Thayla saw that we were a perfect match, with the same desires and hearts. It was fate that we met tonight. Thayla sent me to not only protect you from harm, but to share my life with you; to provide for you, and to love you.”

“Love?” Leo repeated in a shaky whisper before rocking on his feet and dropping to his knees.

“Leo!” I sank to my knees as well and steadied him with my hands on his shoulders. “Leo, are you okay?”

“I don’t know,” he replied as his head rolled back. “My brain feels like it’s spinning and my heart is beating faster than ever before.”

“Forgive me,” I begged, “I’ve put too much on you.” In a short span, Leo had been outside of his home for the first time, and heard about sacrifices, gods, and fated love. It was no wonder his body was having trouble containing it all. “Can you stand?” Even though he was struggling, we had to continue on.

“Perhaps.” I helped him onto his feet, where he stood for a few moments before his knees gave out again. This time I was there to catch him before he hit the ground. “Perhaps not.”

“I’ve got you.” I hauled him into my arms, carrying him with one arm behind his back and the other beneath his knees. “Please relax your mind. I will get you to safety, my prince.” Even though Leo had not been prepared for royalty, he was the prince of my heart, and that would never change.

I held him close to my chest as I carried him across the fields. Soon his look of bewilderment faded, and peace overtook his face as his eyes closed. Leo rested his head against me and slept, and I was grateful for it; he needed rest.

He remained asleep as we crossed the ground as quickly as possible. I traveled to the border of the kingdom where my cottage sat, far from any neighbors. I carried Leo across the threshold and into my bedroom, where I laid him on my bed and covered him with a soft wool blanket. I sat in a rocking chair close to the bed, happy to watch over him and protect him in his slumber.

Chapter Three


Maldor's black eyes looked deep into mine as he leaned closer to me. His thin lips twisted into an evil sneer when he heard my breathing quicken with fear. He wrapped his cold hand around my throat and squeezed, and I felt life trickling out of me.

"No!" I shouted, lurching forward and swinging my arms, noticing that I was fighting only air. I looked around and realized that I was in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar home, with no sign of Maldor. The only other person with me was Ansel, who was sitting in a nearby chair.

He leapt from his seat and hurried to my side. He sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "What is it, Leo? What’s wrong?”

Shame filled my heart as I replied, “I…I had a bad dream.” I was not a child anymore, and shouldn’t be upset by such things. “I dreamed that Maldor caught me, and was finishing his sacrifice.”

Ansel’s face softened and he rubbed my shoulder with his strong hand, instantly relaxing me and filling my body with peace. “Don’t worry, my prince. You are safe at my cottage and I have been watching over you.”

I was touched by his care, but worried because he hadn’t gotten any rest. “Please lie down and sleep. I will sit in the chair.”

His smile warmed my insides. Small lines formed around his eyes and mouth, and his eyes reflected every speck of light in the dark room. “You have a sweet heart, but I’m fine. Your comfort and safety are what’s important.”