I didn’t care about a party or parade (though being outside would have been incredible). I didn’t need to be celebrated or honored, but a kind word from my parents would have been nice. I hadn’t laid eyes on them all day.
But Fagen had greeted me with glad tidings, and even brought me gifts; a new book and pear pudding made by his wife. It was the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted; much better than the porridge I was served every night.
My stomach grumbled at the memory of the pudding. I ate it before the sun fell, and hadn’t eaten anything since; porridge wasn’t appetizing after the scrumptious dessert, so I skipped my supper.
I doubted that I could sleep with hunger pains, so I climbed off of my straw pallet and pulled open my heavy wooden door. As usual, a guard stood outside of my bedroom, wearing a metal breast plate and holding a spear.
The sight frightened me when my parents first posted the guard at my door, as I thought that the man was protecting me from something. But now that I knew he was there to keep me inside, I found it humorous; I was small, thin, and weak, with no fighting skills whatsoever. The man could probably blow me down with a heavy breath, but he chose to dress for battle.
He looked down his long nose at me, but didn’t say a word. I told him, “I’m hungry. I’m just going to the kitchen to look for some bread.”
He narrowed his eyes for a moment like he was going to argue, but finally responded with, “Be swift.”
I nodded and hurried down the stone hall, guided by the lights of torches hanging on the walls. The kitchen was down a winding staircase to the left, but something off to the right caught my attention; down the hall, a bright light spilled out into the corridor.
The light came from the throne room, where my parents held important meetings, but never at this hour. I looked over my shoulder to see if I was being followed, but I was alone. Driven by curiosity, I tiptoed along the stone path to the right.
When I reached the doorway to the throne room, I peeked inside, finding my parents in their seats with guards by their sides. Standing before them was a man I'd never seen. He was tall and slim, with coal black hair and matching eyes. His neck was bent like a vulture on the hunt. The very sight of him made my skin crawl and my stomach uneasy.
"I'm here to collect on your pledge," the man said to my parents in a gravelly voice that was much too deep for his body stature.
"We welcome you, Maldor," Mother replied with a bow of her head.
Maldor?Fagen had told me stories about an evil entity named Maldor, who twisted minds and corrupted hearts, but those were just fairytales…right?
"What of the sacrifice?" The deep voice boomed.Sacrifice?
"Kept perfectly pristine," Father answered before turning to a guard and ordering, "Go and fetch Leo. It is time."
The guard hurried through a different exit as my blood ran cold. What did they want with me? Time for what?Am I…the sacrifice?
My brain told me to run, but my feet were like stone. Though I knew it to be a bad idea, I had to see how this situation played out.
Soon, the guard came running back into the room, accompanied by the guard who stood outside my bedroom. My parents sat straighter, appearing confused as they looked between the two men.
"Where is he?" Mother demanded.
"He's gone, your highness," my room guard replied. "He claimed to be going to the kitchen, but he is not there either."
Maldor let out a mighty roar which shook the floor beneath my feet. My father tried to calm him by saying, "We'll find him, my lord. He can't have gone far; there are guards everywhere and the exits are blocked."
"You better," Maldor growled, "Or it will beyouwho is sacrificed. I was promised royal blood. You have three moons to deliver him, or you surrender your lives." My eyes widened when a cloud of black smoke billowed around Maldor before quickly disappearing, taking the man with it.
"What are you waiting for?" Mother screeched, leaping from her throne, "Spread the word to the other guards! Find him! Search the castle! Search the grounds! Leave no stone unturned!"
The moment I heard the guards' feet stomping on the stone floor,myfeet finally received the message to move as well. I ran down the hall, but my heart raced with panic. Mother's words to Maldor were right; Icouldn'tget far. Every exit was blocked, every window was barred. I could find a place to hide, but for how long? The guards would know every nook and cranny just as I did.
My breath seized in my chest when I heard guards approaching from both ends of the hall. My brain frantically searched for options, but found none. My hands tingled as panic set in.I have nowhere to go. It's over.
Just as the dismal thought crossed my mind, someone grabbed me from behind, with one hand around my waist and one covering my mouth. I momentarily thought about biting my captor until a voice whispered a gentle, "Shhh, I'm here to help," in my ear.
I had no choice but to trust the man who whispered, so I nodded my understanding. When he removed his hand from my mouth, I remained quiet. He wrapped both arms around me, enclosing me in a cloak, and stood still, holding me close to him.
Even though I was terrified of the situation, I couldn't help but notice how good the stranger's arms felt around me; how safe I felt in his strong hold, with his heart beating against my back. I'd always dreamed of being held by a strong man. Such thoughts were forbidden, but I couldn't block them out. I couldn't help but notice how handsome some of the guards were; the way their muscles bulged beneath their armor or the sharpness of their jaws. I never spoke a word of my desires, but thought of them often when I was alone in my room. If I weren't so scared, I'd revel in this feeling that I'd dreamed of for so long.
I gasped when guards appeared from around the corner of each end of the hallway. I'd been betrayed by the man claiming to help, as he held me in the middle of the corridor. He was simply trapping me for easy capture.
But the strangest thing happened; the guards ran past us without stopping. They even looked in our direction but did not acknowledge us.Do they not see us? How can it be?